Tools for Title Professionals
What We Do
Our product is a SAAS webapp that supports the very complex and difficult work of real estate title ownership researchers and attorneys. Specifically, the research and review of mineral title ownership (all of the rights to own the dirt and minerals under the ground) in the United States.
The target audience is an extraordinarily detail oriented set of people who spend weeks untangling the web of documents that traces the ownership of real estate rights over decades and centuries. They tend to be conservative, 45-65 years old, and love order and simplicity.
We want to convey that our tool will make them better at their very difficult jobs.
Color Preferences
Blues. Yellows and Greys.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are dealing with the rights to minerals, oil, gas, coal, etc. We have named the company titlemine because it is both a pun on the work being done to understand the title ownership as well as the industry it is addressing.