Theatreland ClothingLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Theatreland Clothing
Theatreland Clothing has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 170 designs
from 21 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Supplier of theatre related clothing to the general public. The apparel we produce is deemed humorous and generally relates to working around a theatre, being a thespian or making fun of all things theatre. Our target audience is anyone who has an interest in the stage or works in the theatre. We provide t-shirts and accessories relevant to theatre productions and to the roles surrounding the theatre.
Color Preferences
Sparkly: golds reds silvers bronzes. It needs to standout on a black or a white background and work well over a background photo.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We are looking to provide clothing and accessories to our target audience that inspires theatre fans and therefore we are looking for a logo that can be used on any colour clothing, it will work as both monochrome and full colour image and whilst our range of clothing will be humorous, it's a statement brand that people in time will recognise as quality theatre related merchandise.
UPDATE: We are not keen on using the TLC in the iconography. We prefer the iconography to be something more visual than a play of the TLC letters. We are happy for those 3 letters to be emphasized by using lowercase or Small Caps for the T"heatre"L"and" as this stops it being glance read as Threat Ireland, which someone pointed out to me and now I cannot unsee! Hope this helps.
UPDATE: We are not keen on using the TLC in the iconography. We prefer the iconography to be something more visual than a play of the TLC letters. We are happy for those 3 letters to be emphasized by using lowercase or Small Caps for the T"heatre"L"and" as this stops it being glance read as Threat Ireland, which someone pointed out to me and now I cannot unsee! Hope this helps.
Style Inspiration