Thanks for submitting. I like the blue feather. For #22, could I see it with the book in front of the words and the feather at the end, almost like an exclamation point?
Hi, thanks for making changes. Is it possible to do the following with #7:
Change the color of the words to the same as #22? Stack the words and then have the feather and the shadow to the right of the words?
I'd like to see the feather in front of the stacked words as well, but I know the feather's shadow poses a problem in doing that. What would you think about making the feather and shadow bigger, with a greater angle between the two so the feather would fit to the left of the stacked words, and the shadow would form an underline to the stacked words? It may not look as great on paper as it does in my head, but thought I'd throw it out there for your consideration.
#60 - Can you reverse the feather and shadow and place it on the right side so I can see what that looks like? Also, I'm wondering if the words being the same color as the feather is too much of the same blue. Can I see some color variations on the words? The color of the feather is perfect. The only other thing is I'd like to see the shadow slightly darker.