Very nice concept. I like how you incorporated flying into the logo. For #95 I assume the soft effect around it is to simulate an old photograph, but if it was printed, I think people would think the "W" didn't print right. Can you make it more crisp with the background white? And, can you use the font from #92? I like that font. Thanks. Nice work.
Hello, Christopher, Thank you for your quick feedback and kindness! I’m really fund of this project since very few of us writers take into consideration having an expressive visual, non-verbal language along with the writing. So I’m trying to do my best for meeting your expectations regarding this logo: - You now have several new drawings of the quill: the first version was very detailed, but not proper for the resolution allowed here, and maybe not suitable for small-sized print, or for your website and blog. - The font case in #95 is the same as the one in the #92, but I assume you’ve noticed the other character, from #96. Anyways, I’ve done several variations we can talk on! Kindly yours, Catalin
My apologies. I meant the font in #97 instead of #92. I typed the wrong one. I had opened it up to look at it and the enlarged image was offset and 92 was below it so I thought it was 92 instead of 97.
So, can I see the feathers of #108 with the font of #104, however keep the font color of #108. Also can I see the angle of the feathers changed to somewhere between the angle of #108 and #105. Right now, I think I prefer the angle of #108, so closer to that one, just open it up a slight bit. One last thing...I'd like to see a slight tilt or bank to the "wings" of the feathers, just to give it a little movement like it's soaring.
Just had another idea. What if all the words were stacked, which would form a slope to them the right side. Then, if you also put the symbol, the "wings" on the right, and the angle of the left wing would follow the slope of the words. Does that make sense?
Good idea! The flying feathers and the stacked words are now forming something like a mountain peak and a plane up in the sky. I’ve sent you several compositions, take a look! Thanks, Catalin
Looks great. Can I see #116 now with some feather variations and bolder blue colors that "pop" more. Right now the logo is soft and subdued, which is okay, but I'd like it bolder to convey confidence and a bit more masculinity. Different shades of blue would be good to compare.
In some of the previous versions you could see more of the feather's surface area. I'd like to compare that as well, although some of those initial ones ones had the feather in an arch, which I did not care for as much because it made the symbol look more bird-ish. I greatly prefer the ones where the symbol looks more like a plane or glider, as you have it now. But more detail on the feathers to make them more realistic would be great.
Hi, I’ve done the color and feather variations. If you think the logo will be a little bigger on your website, I can upload for you some higher resolution samples on my web portfolio, just let me know! Thanks! Catalin
Hello again! I’m trying to improve The Write Motivation logo furthermore, as the finish of the contest is near, and we have to do our best for you to make the best decision. So I’ve tweaked a bit your 1st ranked, and the changes are the following: - The color now pops out more, and in two alternatives I’ve added a strikethrough shine to make the wording more spectacular; - The feathers have pen nibs, to be more recognizable as writing tools; - I’ve added an alternative feather outline, with some more wrinkles, to have more rhythm in the shape; - I want to present you a change in the typography of the logo: the ‘M’ in ‘Motivation’ converted from the ‘W’ in ‘Write’, in order for you to have a much more ownable and original logotype, that could also work on its own and underlines the essential link between motivation and writing; - Finally, I went further and made a variation with blurred shadow of the ‘airplane’, a fine reflection of the words, a subtle line of horizon and a transparent gradient to suggest the depth of the sky. This styling is merely to have an example of how your new logo can stay in the context of your website. You can see higher resolution files here: And on black, here: Thanks, Catalin
Hi, Really like this concept. Can you make the word color even more bold, at least as bold as the words in #121? Also, what would you think about a little white space between the quill tips, just so people get they are feathers that are used for writing, but have formed wings? If there is anything you can do to make the feathers even more realistic, that would be great.
Wow. I really like the feather shapes of #176 and #177. I like the darker blue in #177, but am uncertain about the "peacock" effect because I think it will send the wrong message, meaning, I can see the peacock as a symbol for boastfulness. Does that make sense? Can I see the darker blue shades of #177 without the peacock effect.
I believe this concept is the one for me given how nicely it will tie into my other site, but I'd like to see a couple more variations, if you don't mind. Can you make the words darker blue and provide some different fonts to compare to the current one? I think there may be a better font out there that will complement the feathers more. Also, I think I'd like to return to the words being more stair-step, meaning "The" comes halfway the length of "Write" and "Write" comes halfway the length of "Motivation" similar to #120, however, is it possible to do that without "The" and "Write" having so much space between the letters?
I appreciate your hard work. I really like this concept.
I said "halfway" when referring to the stair-step of the words, but that was just a way to convey it and I certainly don't want that to limit you. #120 is not really "halfway" but has the effect I'm looking to go back to. Just want to see darker blues and different fonts that might work better. Thanks.
Hello, I think you are right about the peacock boastfulness, so I removed the circle effect and only kept the dark blue. For the text, I explored a lot of font cases and I only submit you 10 of them, not like this would narrow your choice :) Thanks and waiting for you to feed me back! Catalin
Wonderful. Thank you. #178 is the one, if you would just kindly slide the feathers horizontally to the right the tiniest bit--really, not much at all--just to balance it out slightly. No need to move the shadow with it.
I think you’ve made the best choice with the font, its style is very appropriate for a true writer’s website. I’ve aligned the feathers to the right limit of the word ‘Motivation’ and the broader part of the nibs to the top of the ‘e’ in ‘Write’, so I think the logo is quite balanced now, what do you think? Should you have more adjustments to suggest, don’t hesitate, I’m here to do it! Catalin