Hello there :)
The boys still prefer your design, that's the good news.
"Other" news, is that they are planning on having more of a Royal Blue for the boys, and a Cardinal Red for the girls.
I am grateful for your additional designs, which I'm sure took time. I am worried that if we lighten the shirt colors on
#99 and
#100, we will lose the figures and stars above. What if on the blue shirt, the blue figure/stars were white? And if on the red shirt, the red figure and stars were white? I am NOT a designer, please forgive me, but I'm just sharing our thoughts with you.
Once we figure out the blue/red shirt situation, keep in mind that
#74 is what we like. It will look great on letterhead, business cards, envelopes, coffee mugs, etc., anything with a white background, of course. :)
Thank you, again, for sharing your talents with us. You did a great job bringing life, and energy into our name. :)