Here's my first entry for your logo. An energetic, spunky monkey pointing to the globe. The circular area behind the highlights the monkey, but can easily be the spot where you insert some graphic pertinent to the city you are featuring. Let me know if there is anything you wish changed. I'd be happy to make any revisions you might want. Thanks for the invitation!
Here's my first entry for your logo. An energetic, spunky monkey pointing to the globe. The circular area behind the highlights the monkey, but can easily be the spot where you insert some graphic pertinent to the city you are featuring. Let me know if there is anything you wish changed. I'd be happy to make any revisions you might want. Thanks for the invitation!
PS. I withdrew my first 2 entries because I accidently left off the monkeys' tails. I turned the tail layer off to work on the type and forgot to turn it back on before uploading. My apologies!
Hi there! Thanks so much! I have really fallen in love with the the erwin monkey. I am thinking "mascot" ...somehting that could appear in different cities...someone who is an ambassador, loveable, and charming. (think mickey mouse) So, I still like THAT version better. That means for you to be the winner, you will have to create a monkey that is more adorable and personable that the ones in first place, one that will be able to be translated into a costume...adapted to children's books, etc.....all about connecting people, and being a part of the community. Does that make sense?
I love what you did for for Miami. I'd like him to look a little more cute :) . Show me some examples of other cities! New York, or Chicago, or Atlanta, for example. Miami is adorable. Can you make others as adorable
Here's the little guy made a little cuter yet! Enlarged his eyes a bit more, widened his smile and his cheeks, and enlarged and rotated the back ear somewhat. Subtle changes, but overall CUTER.
Working on doing another city. hopefully I can get it in before this closes. : ) Pam
Here's the little guy in New York. Apologies. Spend too much time on the monkey suit. TeeHee! So the city art is a little rough. I was scrambling to get this in under the wire. Will polish it later if my concept is chosen. Thanks! Pam
Revised the smile, bringing it up so the face doesn't look so long; added "bangs"; enlarge/widened the ponytail tuft; added some height to the forehead and lowered the eyes just a tad.
Revised the face some more, bringing the eyes down a little more. Also enlarged the "head" behind the face, so the forehead is higher. Also, reduced the size of the mouth a bit. This is my favorite of these last three. I think this one looks more monkey-like, less human than the other 2. Whatcha think?
Hi Pam! We are loving the tufts of hair! I just got off the phone with Don...a designer, web developer. He likes 17 as well.
A few suggestions:
We would like a less pink color of lips. Maybe a more red, but not bright red. Lets try a couple of different colors. Let's see what the bow would look like in a peach, or a different color. Or maybe, we can outline the top lip in a brown, and create a true lip line.
And thoughts. Lets. see what happens if we put a band around the skirt...or something that will be consistant on every monkey, whether it is a bracelet, an anklet, a hair bow, a tail bow...Maybe people holding hands, or something that would symbolize connection and unity.
Also, how easy is it to change the entire monkey color (the brown part) to blonde, or black, or a red head. Might that be interesting? With a tuft of hair to match?
Are you loving her? Would your kids/ nieces/ nephews love her/him? We're getting closer!
Here she is with the changes requested: lips redder, but not too bright, teeth larger. Changed bow color on tail to peach, and added figures holding hands on the skirt (is this what you meant?). I also dropped in the Atlanta park/skyline vignette (need feedback on this from previous entry). Let me know if you want any other changes.
And WOW! You come from a large family! my goodness! How fun!
Thanks Pam... I like the less pink lips better, but I think we need lips...not just lipstick? Brown line, or whatever works...
The tail bow... Not crazy about the peach. I am wondering if the tail bow could be part of the brand, i.e. the same color on everY monkey, that represented something, Or perhaps having the bow be the part that had the unity.
And yes, regarding the people holding hands...something like that. I'm playing around with the concept. Any ideas?
And finally, do you mind making a blonde monkey, a red head, etc. As in the entire brown part, not just the tuft of hair. I wonder if that could be part of our signature?
Just thinkin... :)
As far as the bigger teeth. nope..You were right. The bigger ones are not as good. Looking like Carol Burnett again!. I still am hung up on the lips. They just aren't doing it for me. Maybe because there is lipstick, with no lips... Ijust did an internet search. Make them bigger. Fuller...Not as thin on the tip, not as bowed. extend them out to the edges. Monkeys have big lips, it looks like. :)
And yes, 9 brothers and sisters. 27ish nieces and nephews. We had four nieces born this year within a couple of months. So, yes, it is fun! What about you? Big catholic family? What did you give up for Lent?
Hi Michelle, Here's our little monkey with a thin, brown-red outline around her lips. Let me know if you want a heavier line. I also went back to the teeth from #117, and I changed the bow on her tail to blue. lLet me know if you want any more changes. Thanks! Pam
Pam...bigger lips with a brown outline and no bow on the lips. Still trying to get to "orignal'. Do you mind making a blonde monkey, a red head, etc. As in the entire brown part, not just the tuft of hair. I wonder if that could be part of our signature? And maybe even a colored green or blue or something like that.
What do you think,. Pam? OK, maybe the blonde won't work. The red is interesting. I think I may like the bigger lips better...will get my group together for feedback. If we were to use a color for the monkey that is not brown, what is a color that symbolizes peace, or unity, or trust? Any thoughts?
Hi Michelle, Here's the monkey gal from #117 placed into the logo, with the company name changed to "Trust the Monkey". I like that - rolls off the tongue easier. Let me know if you need any revisions. Pam
Hi Michelle, Revised monkey - moved ponytail back further on her head, added bow, put on the T-shirt you said you like, and therefore took the figures off the skirt.