I used an overall green to represent home and a picket fence to represent the american dream, which appeals to both higher and medium end home buyers. The typeface is clean and contemporary. The logo mark is smooth, simple and playful.
Using red in this logo, a modern and contemporary feel was used. This will appeal to high end clients looking for Modern Architecture, but subtle enough for first time buyers.
Hi. Thanks for the designs. I really appreciate it. I like #39 for the siple house icon. I also really like the simple professional feel of #37. I think we are going to prefer a more horizontal design, so #38 and #31 are probably not quite right. #32 is interesting and different, but probably not quite right for our business. I'd like to see #29 with the icon to the left rather than on top. Also, the green should be a little more "forest" and a little less "lime."
Mary Jane, Thanks for the new designs. The street sign design made me smile. It's a creative idea. I don't think it works for our application. My favorite designs of yours are #37 and #32. The mid-century modern look of #32 is really cool...but not our niche. I like the simple design of #37. Ultimately, we're looking for something a bit different.