The Lane TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Lane Team

The Lane Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 190 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


Logo Designer
my first submission,
hope u like it

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Thank you so much for the design. Regarding #1... can you make the icon on the left look more like a residential neighborhood? It looks like a city skyline; I'd like to emphasize homes rather than commercial buildings. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
new concept,
feedback wellcome

(This comment references Entry #15)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #16)
14 years ago
I like #16.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
i make the house litle upper, and window center, and change letter in slogan'

(This comment references Entry #47)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
diferent type letter in slogan,
let me know if somethink change..

(This comment references Entry #48)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
like u said bout profesional and expensive, so im try to make it 'gold color version'
feedback wellcome,

(This comment references Entry #84)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with black biground

(This comment references Entry #85)
14 years ago
The black and gold designs look too much like competitors in our market (Century 21 and Alain Pinel Realtors). So they won't work.

I still like #16. My struggle right now is that my two favorites are so different. Your #16 is very professional and says "we are experienced and know what we are doing." We are also hoping to send the message, "we are approachable and friendly." For that, we really like #17. Would love to see something that does both well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thise my new concepts;
'the HAND' shape bellow the house represent for 'the CARE' , and the sun behind the house, says; 'optimistic'
this friendly design, let me know ur coments' ?

(This comment references Entry #93)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
litle size at the mark'

(This comment references Entry #94)
14 years ago
#94 is interesting to me. The wave is not quite right. We are not on the seaside. So, some other graphic element will be better in place of the wave. Also, the window seems misplaced.
Many of my friends and colleagues still like #16. Can you make the slogan underneath a little bigger? Not the entire length of the name, but maybe starting at the "N" and a little bit larger font. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
this not a wave' this 'HAND'

(This comment references Entry #98)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #99)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thes ur req

(This comment references Entry #100)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
upper font

(This comment references Entry #101)
14 years ago
Regarding the "Hand": Now I see it. Hmm... maybe it needs to be a tiny bit more obvious.
I really like #100.
14 years ago
We still like your design #100, and variations. Let's focus on this design. How would it look in a "stacked," vertical format. Just wondering if we selected the concept how it would look in a vertical application. Can you give it a try?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, these are my explorations bout 'the 'vertical 'layout'
let me know for ur suggessions,


(This comment references Entry #127)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #128)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #129)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #130)
14 years ago
Yes, I really like #128, and also #127.
14 years ago
I think on the stacked logo #128, we can drop the slogan from underneath. It is too small. The logo will be OK with just The Lane Team in the vertical format. Thanks. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi, do you mean like this?? just the font ' the lane team' in vertical format?

(This comment references Entry #143)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
bigger size in 'slogan'

(This comment references Entry #144)
14 years ago
Hi. These are great. Your logo style in #100 and #128 are really going to work for us, I think.
Here are a couple of tweaks I'd like to see:

#100: Please make the slogan a little bit bigger. Perhaps starting at the "A" in LANE.

#128: Please delete the slogan.

Thank you for your hard work. By the way, many of my business friends are excited about Logo Tournament and also like your designs. I will tell them about you. :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thankyou.. :)
these are my revision #100

(This comment references Entry #156)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #157)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
alt3 full

(This comment references Entry #158)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
update #128

(This comment references Entry #159)
14 years ago
Great. I love #156 and #159. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
let me know if ur need variants of my concept during jugging mode:)

14 years ago
As you can probably tell, we got surprised by a late entry that came in just hours before the end of the contest. What we like about it is that it has elements of both the "traditional-professional" look (with the serif font for our name), as well as a Web 2.0 looking 3D ball-icon. Your design is still a very strong favorite, and fundamentally we prefer it. But, we are wondering if there is any way to keep the design of #156, and somehow "webify" it.

Any ideas? What if you kept the text/type as it is, but made the house look more "webby?"
Or, maybe you have some completely different idea that would keep the integrity of #156, but add something to make it more current. I'm not sure what that would be....but, if you have some thoughts or ideas, we are interested.

Thank you very much.

- Bob
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi,, Mr.Bob..
thankyou verymuch for give me oportunutiy:)
thats ok, you still have time,,
ok, im gonna try to make it,,
as soon as posible,
the design #156 ,, i think ur right' however this look like 'clasy' design but its essensial professional look:)
its differnt style' as a Web 2.o looking, its 'flat design' no shading,no glows, prefer i think,
ok, im still working now,,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
these are my new update,
web 2 style,,

(This comment references Entry #175)
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #176)
14 years ago
Regarding the new entries #175/#176...sorry, this is not what I meant.

I want to see your design #156 just like it is...with the house roof-line over The Lane Team. I'd like you to keep the basic design of #156, but just modify the feel of it. Make #156 more 3D, with depth - but without losing the professional style. I wonder if there is any way to make that design look more web-like. For instance, make the lines in the house more 3D or add some shading.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
update 3d look

(This comment references Entry #177)
14 years ago
Great. I love #179. Can you keep the 3D-shading look of the text "Lane Team," but soften the color break that runs horizontally through the letters? Do you understand what I mean? The shading on #179 makes it look like there is a white line running through the middle of the letters, especially when the logo is reduced to a smaller size.

Also, can you make a stacked version of #179 (similar to #159)? Thank you very much.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
do u mean the horizontal shadow like this???

(This comment references Entry #180)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
these are black & white version

(This comment references Entry #182)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
let me know if somethink change,,

(This comment references Entry #183)
14 years ago
Thanks. I like the black and white versions. :-)

One last change...
In #180 will you add a tiny bit more space between the "T" in "TEAM" and the graphic bar above?

And, in #181 will you add a tiny bit of "light glare" in the graphic bar above the "NE," like in #181 above the "A" in "TEAM"? Does that make sense? I like the lighting effect. Sorry to be so picky.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
these are ur req
space beetween 'T'

(This comment references Entry #184)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
lighting effect at graphic

(This comment references Entry #185)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
more light

(This comment references Entry #186)
14 years ago
OK. Looks good.
The separation between the roof top bar and "THE" in the new ones (#186, #184) is not quite right.
Take #180 and just move "LANE TEAM" down a bit, and "THE" and the graphic up a bit? That will keep "THE" tight with the graphic, and give a bit of separation between "TEAM" and the graphic.

Thanks. I love #187
14 years ago
Logo Designer
ok, these are my optional for you,,
(i make 'THE one line as bottom line at the graphic

(This comment references Entry #188)
14 years ago
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