Originally when I glanced at it... this entry didn't stick out. But after taking a second and third look? VERY IMPRESSIVE.
Here's what I LOVE about this: 1) You do the best job out of everybody (I feel) of getting the word "THE" in there. I want the word to be part of the brand... but I agree that it's probably not that important. Can you make it just a TAD bigger though?
2) LOVE the two-tones of green. Very hot.
3) I LOVE your "Invisible boss character!!!" He/She is totally just chilling out! Awesome! And he is INCREDIBLY DRAWN! Plus (if you've read my feedback on the others), you know that I am trying to get away from the TIE because I think it's too masculine and alienates women.
This character is still masculine, but wouldn't make a woman go, "These people are sexist!" You obviously were attempting to be gender-neutral when you were creating this. Well done.
The only thing that prevented this from being a #1 was the big B. It seems out of place.
I commented on the current #1 and #2 entry about how much I loved the desk. I also talked about creating something where the invisible-boss character is chilling out, relaxed with his/her feet on a desk. Maybe his hands on the back of his head? Very relaxed. Relaxation is the KEY BENEFIT of buying our products so I think this fits really well.
If you could somehow get your INVISIBLE CHARACTER away from that "B" and move him into an office-somehow? THAT WOULD BE INCREDIBLE.
I can't wait to see what you come up with, Paull. Your creativity amazes and inspires me.
I hope you re-submit an entry. I have used your original design several times as a reference when offering other people feedback. "Check-out what Paull did!" is appearing all over the place in my comments. lol.
In my original feedback, I mentioned the feet-on-the-desk thing. I feel that MikeMX does this very well in Entry #22. This is a neat way of portraying a relaxed, care-free Boss.
You are ranked 57 out of 7207. That is the top 1%. You are clearly an elite designer and are probably working on a lot of other projects.