Hey Daniel, thanks so very much for your messages. It am enjoying working with you, we appreciate your designs. I am about to go out for an hour, can you hold off as I would love to share some suggestions with you as they are looking good and would love them to get to great! I hope this is ok, I will be back online shortly so we can work together. Much appreciated
We are liking your overall design, thank you for your submissions, we appreciate your time and efforts so far. Can I suggest our thoughts and some following amendments -
the tree - *would love the tree trunk to be filled in solid *would prefer the ends of the tree more blunt in finish with the lines, not so tapered off/pointy. Here is an example - http://nl.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-stock-photography-family-tree-image18164012 *can we have a simpler tree with the leaves, meaning less leaves but slightly bigger to fill the same space, so less busy. The area space of leaves is great though, so it is just filling in the same space etc... We really like the simplicity of this tree - http://nl.dreamstime.com/stock-photography-stock-photography-family-tree-image18164012 *only have one head (the middle one) in the tree and the same colour as the trunk and can it be slightly bigger? *what do you think about the two side branches a little smaller/thiner or make the 2 middle branches slightly bigger *leaves colours - pls refer to our most updated recent contest brief today (9June 27th, 2012, 9:53pm), this explains it all
the wording - *like the wording where it is, thanks *Can the letters be displayed all in lower case? *letters the same colour as the tree trunk? *can the word inspiration be more noticeable, maybe in bold or slightly larger? *with the font, we very much like 'shutter stock' font style (this example) - http://www.shutterstock.com
Thanks Daniel, I hope this helps and we look forward to receiving your suggestions and changes too.
Thank you for your new designs, they are great! We very much like designs #34 & #35 We love the simplicity of the logo, which is so in line with our business model and foundation to it all.
Your designs have got us preferring the the wording underneath as with #35, even though we wanted our wording on the right side, thank you for submitting this difference, we value your input and suggestions too with this. We also really like just the colour of the brown you have created, and after looking at your designs now, we only prefer the greens, so can we keep those colours please.
So with this, can we work with #35 for now and still keep #34 as is?
Can I suggest some minor adjustments / tweeks with #35 please? - trunk - *can the trunk be a solid colour, meaning no white space between the join where the top left and right branches come together? *can the top left branch be more flowing with the line, so remove the kink in the from the left top branch? *can the head be slightly bigger, however not too much bigger? *can the word 'inspired' be in the dark green colour?
Would really love to see these changes as we are really valuing your designs, thank you again Daniel.
they are really great Daniel, thanks so much I will show my partner when gets out of a meeting incase he has any feedback/ideas. All looking really great, thanks
Thank you for your change, awesome! It has gone from really good to super great!
My partner as asked if you can please have a look at his suggestions below to enhance #45? He is keen to have a visual in his mind -
*the word 'inspired' in your light green colour *with the letter i, instead of using the dot, have your leaf as the dot instead, on angle, in your dark green colour *to have a line at the bottom of the tree to resemble the ground. You demonstrated this in your #12. He likes how it tapered off at the ends. Can the length of the line be the width of the tree space, somewhere around there etc... Can this be the same colour as the trunk please?
So thanks again for all your help, ideas, amendments and understanding our needs, your logo has come up really awesome.
My partner has requested a few minor adjustments, we are 98% there. Can you accommodate these for us? - *where the trunk curves inwards under the bottom 2 branches, can it be a little more filled in (not so curved)? Can it look a little bit more on the masculine side, however we like the look of it, just a wee bit on the feminine side for him *can the head be a bit bigger now that we are slightly thickening up the middle curved bit of the trunk?
I think the contest ends in 8 hours so would love to see these 2 adjustments before it ends, is this achievable?
Yep, #97 looks great, can we get the head a little bigger again and 3/4 of the way down the trunk where it curves in, can it be not so curvy, so fill in the edges just a little? Is that possible in this timeframe as 2 hours left??
This has been an interesting experience, never done this before so feeling strange as coming to an end. We really love your design, it is spot on and thank you. It has been great working with you here.
spot on #103, really love it, awesome, exactly what we are after. Will be in contact with you in a few hours as we will wrap this up, all looking super great.
Thanks so much for working together in creating this logo, we are really very pleased with your design #103, it has been a pleasure to work here with you.
It has been quite an interesting process, many of the entries were really good. Your design is so in line with our mission behind this project, so we selecting yours. I also really resonated to 'cdinucci's' designs (ranked 2) especially #95 even thought is was not in our vision radar, I was really drawn to it.
I enjoyed working with you both and I somewhat feel a bit strange not acknowledging her efforts with her designs, so I would like to share my thoughts with you about how I can also give back to her as this is my first time experience here at LT. I am wondering, if I raise the prize money to $350.00, can $295.00 be paid to you for your services and the extra $55.00 go to her? How can I make this work where she gains in some way even though she keeps her designs?
Can you provide me with some suggestions? I welcome your feedback....
I understand your request, with any questions or proposals you have I ask please contact the support service (support@logotournament.com). Here you can state your case and they will help.
I received a response from Ivan, so we will keep the contest as is and I will chat to Carla etc...
JUL 03, 2012 | 05:12PM PDT Ivan Fedorowich replied: Hi Sharon,
Unfortunately, there is not yet a mechanism for that kind of kindness. We do suggest you get the paypal email of the 2nd designer via private message and make a bonus to him/her based on your comment. Best regards,
Ivan Fedorowich Customer & Community Support LogoTournament.com "Get the logo you really want by choosing from 50-200" custom designs"
I will select you as the winner now, so thanks so much. Also, so how does the next step work? How many formats of the logo do we receive?
Thank you very much for writing, I am very happy :). For me it is a pleasure to work on your design. If you want to continue working with me, you can do via email personal e and thus can get the desired formats. It will be a real pleasure. I hope I have helped.