The Gypsy ChefLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Gypsy Chef

The Gypsy Chef has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 163 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
A Personal Chef Service
What We Do
Provides personal chef services to clients in their own homes customized for their preferences and needs.
Service Industries
Color Preferences
Like red, yellow and green. Food-color shades of these colors are fine, too.


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#1 by nonoex: I do not care for the color combination - I think it is the golden brown lettering color I do not like. Do not like the shade of green either. The yellow is good. Also the icon looks like either a bowl of rice or a flower - neither of which represent what I do.

Positives: Love the simplicity. I really like that you included "A Personal Chef Service," since many potential clients think I am a caterer. Catering is quite different from being a personal chef. (Although, I do on occasion cater a small event. But it's not what I want to market myself as.)
15 years ago
#2 by bdietrich: I am really drawn to this image. I think I like the dark type against the lighter background. However, I do not like the type/font. I think it's too fancy and too hard to read. Lastly, it seems all personal chefs use icons of plates with a spoon or knife and fork. I would like to see something different from you. Still, this version is not bad.
15 years ago
#4 by jdmerlin: I am pleased with your characature of a "Gypsy Chef" with her crystal ball. And, just black and white will be an economical logo to reproduce. However, I think the logo would not look good - be too complicated - on my aprons.

I do like the print type, including the style change for the word "CHEF." However, please add that I have A Personal Chef Service since I don't want to market myself as a caterer.
15 years ago
#4 by jdmerlin: How about showing me a crystal ball with a chef's hat on? Forget the image of the woman.
15 years ago
#4 by jdmerlin: The crystal ball appeals to my spiritual side.
15 years ago
#5 by Dazzle: I like it alot! But, I am a woman. So the mustache doesn't work for me.
15 years ago
#5 by Dazzle: I'm not sure how the corner shading, which I think I like, will translate to print media, like on my chefs-ware.
15 years ago
#5 by Dazzle: I like the sophisticated, simple look. And, I must have "A Personal Chef Service" on the logo. So, thanks!
15 years ago
Wait a minute, All. Maybe I don't have to have "A Personal Chef Service" on my logo. Go ahead and continue to send me potential logos with AND without it.
15 years ago
Sorry to be so confusing. I am deciding what I like as we go along.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Oh ok, will remove the mostache then. will work out an abstract thats feminine.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Tried the crystal ball...did not like it.
15 years ago
#10 by Dazzle: There you go. I like the more feminine tie much better.
15 years ago
#11 by jdmerlin: OK, I trust your judgement about the hat on the crystal balI. I like this one better than your last submission. At this point, I rank your design as tied for 1st place. Please do not scrap this submission. Still, can you please also show me what your design looks like with the hat white and outlined in black (just like it is) color the word "the" in golden yellow, the word "Gypsy" in red, and the word "CHEF" in green?
15 years ago
#42: I agree; my clientele is upscale - busy professionals, active families and retirees. I like that your design is simple, subtle and clean. But it isn’t eye-catching enough for me. And, I am usually not with clients when they eat, unless I'm doing a small dinner party for them. Indeed, your image is reflective of serving. Nevertheless, I'd really enjoy seeing more from you.

My personal chef service plans a client’s menu for their approval, customized to their diet needs and taste preferences, shop, cook in their kitchen, cool and store the food in their own refrigerator and freezer with instructions for re-heating and serving, clean-up and leave their home so they can enjoy their meals at their leisure - even in their sweats after a busy day if they like. Usually, I cook for a full day, once a week, leaving up to 5 different entrees (times the number of servings requested) at each client’s home. So, I can really be on the move, packing up my car with the equipment and groceries I’ll need that day, unloading into the client’s home, and when done, packing it all up again to return to my home.

Contracting with my service is a life-style choice for my clients. They don’t have to think about planning, shopping, prepping, cooking and cleaning up themselves after a busy, active day. I live in Napa, CA, and work in the Napa and Sonoma Valleys, wine-country, an internationally famous food and wine destination.
15 years ago
#11: ...Still, can you please also show me what your design looks like with the hat white and outlined in black (just like it is) color the word "the" in golden yellow, the word "Gypsy" in red, and the word "CHEF" in green?

I'm still waiting for this. Really want to see it. Or maybe the chef hat in red, yellow and green and leave the lettering black.
15 years ago
ALL: Please submit some entries which somehow illustrates movement? I travel around shopping for groceries and from home to home to cook - hence, The Gypsy Chef.
15 years ago
#52: Thanks. This version is even more readable when reduced in size.
15 years ago
#53: Thanks for adding some color. Colors which sell foods (and I presume personal chef services) are red, yellow and green. Please stick to shades of those three colors.
15 years ago
ALL: I guess it goes without saying that gold, black and white are also good marketing colors.
15 years ago
I am really enjoying this journey. Hope you all are having fun with it, too!
15 years ago
Still looking for logo submissioins showing motion.
15 years ago
Would anyone like to try abstractly showing a chef juggling a bag of groceries with red, green and gold "groceries" popping out the top? I also tote into client's homes all the groceries and my cooking utensils and pots and pans. I use a hard-sided open cube tote (like teachers use) on wheels with a telescoping handle - a little bit like open-top luggage on wheels.

It will have to be abstract, so as to remain relatively simple.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello Jean

you can leave feedback for each designer by double clicking any of the above images. This will take you to the designer's page here you can leave specifi details for each deisgner.

This area is primarily used for you to update briefing info and or make general comments and suggestions that are not design/designer specific.

Scott aka: Orion
15 years ago
Logo Designer
wow that was quick
15 years ago
Logo Designer
CH Jean Pihl....this was posted in another contest by LT fabulous moderator Dazzle:), any how I think it applies here as well, and just wanted to post so you know the importance of ranking designs,


"How are you doing ? hope you are doing great. As this contest is about to come to an end, and you will be chosing the best new logo for your company, i just wanted to have your attention to some important point that you might be aware of or might not. I hope i am not miss understood by pointing out this to you and that you understand.

When the contest ends and you have made your mind and desicion about the winner logo, the winner gets the 1st place, but the 2nd and 3rd place and going on forward, 4th, 5th, 6th , etc , each one or slot should be filled with a seperate designer and different concept you found second best, third best to follow etc.

This helps towards us designers ranking and also it is a way from you to show your appreciation to the hard effort and trails put from the beginning by one designer or appreciating a nice design concept put earlier by a designer that led to developing on right direction for others and you getting the best you could at the end.

It feels frasturating for other designers and pointless of giving all the top rankings for same winner designer, while those were just a small variations of the winning design and therefore the other places 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc are not filled with different designs from a different designer.

So i hope you understood my point i was just trying to point out to you here and all the best of luck in chosing your winner logo, there are really good ones out there.

Best Regards,

Kareem "
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Feedback on my entry Please
15 years ago
To all the designers who have worked with me in this tournament, many, many thanks. It has been an exciting, economical, worthwhile adventure.
15 years ago
Many thanks, tini1 and Kareem. I believe I timely eliminated multiple entries from the same designers so as to allow those to be short-listed who worked most deligently with me. I am disappointed that Kareem has since withdrawn his submission because I considered it right to the end. I really like his work.
15 years ago
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