#31 by Brendan: I really like the black type surrounded by gold. But, I don't much care for the image of the woman chef. I'll be printing my logo on my chefs-ware, as well as on the web and on printed brochures. So less intricate, simpler designs are more attractive to me. I'd like to see more ideas from you.
I like that even more. However, I showed some of the designs to friends last night who rejected your design as too complicated when viewed small; they said the lettering was not that readable. Please try a different style of lettering.
#58: Now we're cookin'. Sorry, a foodie's reference. I'd like to see you move the colors around a little. For instance, I would like to see the red green and gold come up in aromatic wisps with the lettering black with purple background. Or, leave the golden aromatic wisps, and use the red, green and purle around The Gypsy Chef. Let's see what you can come up with.
#75: Thanks for continuing to work with me. May I see the black letters as in #52 with the multi-colors surrounding the letters, and leave the soup and it's vapors golden.