The Fight DietLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Fight Diet

The Fight Diet has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 42 designs from 6 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What are you fighting for?
What We Do
The Fight Diet is a life-changing program that encompasses an eating plan, a fitness plan and discovering your motivation for becoming your best you ever!
Color Preferences
I like: Red, Purple, light Blue, White, Black, Orange but do not necc. want to see all these colors together! However, I am open to any an all combinations. Don't have any colors I absolutely hate except maybe Yellow.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This is my blog and who I am:
I am a nutritionist, naturopathic doctor practicing in NYC
I don't necc. want "fighting" images of a boxing ring, this is more about a fight for your life, for your dreams for your best you....but if you can do that with traditional fighting images then I'd be interested in seeing it, but I don't want a bunch of logos with boxing gloves and chain link fences.


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I am a caring, conscientious natural healthcare provider but I don't necc. want this to be all "granola" looking...but I want it to convey integrity and a sense of empowerment and I want people to trust in this brand. You should go to my blog and get a sense of my voice. Conversational but convicted.
14 years ago
I may have been misleading. I am open to different color ideas. This will give you many to choose from.
However. I want the design perhaps to have only 2 or 3. Not too many.

Also, I feel I need it stronger. I wrote a lot about not too much "fight".
To be more clear. I would like to see some fight. I just don't want a gladiator, with violence, type of look.
I still need it strong. Therefore the colors so far have been too light, and weak.

I even want to see some fight themes, too. I was afraid, every design would be fists, and punches, etc.

I like fighting. I was an athlete in my school days. I need it strong with bold colors. But It can't be too machismo
Because I don't want to turn off my women clients.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank and re-rank a variety of designs to get a variety of entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
~~ Leave private feedback by clicking on a design. Feedback will be made public upon contest completion
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you will see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested".
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked 1st - 10th. We like to earn points.
~~ After your contest closes it will enter Judging phase. You can re-rank designs in Judging.
~~ While in Judging, the designer ranked in first place can submit revisions

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:

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14 years ago
Please remember my tag line...

What are you fighting for?
14 years ago
I'm still waiting to see if someone will work with the "fight" part a little stronger.
If someone can get the "toughness" and "challenge" element, without being violent or bloody. I may go in that direction.

I know I am not being definitive about how much fight.... I named it The Fight Diet, because I feel it is something you must fight for. I believe my program, someone has to use a tremendous amount of focus, and determination to lose weight, get in shape, and transform themselves. They have to push themselves, and face their, addictions, and fears, and procrastination, and all the ways they sabotage themselves.

Therefore they have to fight! Fight like their life and health depend on it. I want to see "The Fight" stronger in the logo. I want to get as strong as I can get, without it being a logo for a website about CageFighting. I am not attracting cage fighters, but I am trying to get people to commit to the "fight of their lives".
14 years ago
Ok everyone...I'm struggling with these because I am not seeing anything so far that really pops for me or that I would actually use. Let me see if I can be more specific here so that you can get closer to my vision.

1. I do not want a tape measure in my logo. It's too literal. This is not Weight Watchers. This is a motivational, inspirational eating and lifestyle plan. It's not just about losing weight and counting's about identifying why you want to be your best self....what losing the weight will mean, how it will change your life, what the payoff will be....People get to the bottom of what's holding them back with my's about a in that sense maybe a fist punching the air could be appropriate or a fighters hand breaking through something...might be appropriate. I don't want it to be too blood and guts but I'm not seeing this sense of fight and triumph and inspiration in these logos so far. I am launching this program in NYC so it has to be hip, edgy and modern...something people would want to wear on a T-shirt to advertise that "I know what I'm fighting for" or "I fought hard and won!" Other things I want to convey: busting through, breaking through, winning, triumph, battle fought and won. "I did it"

SMR: Given what I said above, I think swirly, soft lines in the treatment of the word "diet" in 7,8,9,13,14 does not convey what I need. Nor does the free-form illustration in 9, 10.

David Mau: your #12 is beginning to approach a feeling of strength and "popping out" with the 3D feel of it...but I would choose a red, instead of a pink color...and lose the measuring tape.

I hope this helps! Please read over my blog a little and see a pic of me too on my blog site...this may inspire you or give you some perspective.

Dr. Doug
14 years ago
David Mau: I like type approach of #15, it's bold... but I care for the fat figure or the tape measure. Please see my comments previous to this. Thanks!
14 years ago
Key points: I need my Tagline in the design. This is a must. Period.

I want you to forget about the word Diet. Concentrate on Fight.
No tape measures. No Fat symbols.

I want dark strong colors. Black, Blue, Red.

I would love to see someone shock me with being too Brutal,Strong and Forceful. So far, all entries have been so weak. That way, it can always be toned down. No one has even gotten close to what I want, with this part of it.

If someone could get close, I think it could be fine tuned into the logo that I will use.

Please re read the comments.
14 years ago
Hi everyone. At this point I am going to make suggestions to designers privately as to specific tweeks. But generally my rankings will show what I'm really resonating with and leaning toward. My previous comments in this discussion pretty much say what I'm looking for.

14 years ago
With a day left, I still wish I had more than 2 or 3 designers that entered this tournament. It was my understanding that many designers try and show there talented designs.
The ranking hasn't changed since it is still correct for me.
I have liked what I have seen. I appreciate the good work.
I won't be extending. Unless I get some new designs this is my ranking.
14 years ago
Here is what my message said:

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your hard work on the logo. I love it. You deserved to win!

As far as the files go...I would like the logo in the following separate files. I would like them in Adobe Illustrator format if possible.

1. With the tag line.
2. Without the tag line.
3. In full color
4. In B/W only
5. With a "TM" symbol placed on the logo.
6. The tag line alone, with and without a TM symbol
7. With the figure/icon alone without the rest of the logo or tag line.

You can email these files to me at You can send directly, or if files are too big, send through YOUSENDIT.

Thanks again.

Douglas Willen
14 years ago
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