Hi Thank you for coming to the table first. I may have been misleading. I am open to different color ideas. This will give you many to choose from. However. I want the design perhaps to have only 2 or 3. Not too many.
Also, I feel I need it stronger. I wrote a lot about not too much "fight". To be more clear. I would like to see some fight. I just don't want a gladiator, with violence, type of look. I still need it strong. Therefore the colors so far have been too light, and weak. I thin the strongest one you did so far, that is most appealing is Entry#1 This one is simple in color, and strong but friendly.
My wife just told me she likes your Entry #3 the best. She thought it was clean, and simple. She felt she hasn't seen the winner yet, and its too early, but I just wanted to give you that feedback.
hi! many thanks to your wife, and i hope she will be decisive to win the competition :) anyway i'm trying to stree more the "fight" concept and i hope you'll like it :) let me know your comment about the new that I put today :) many many thanks again for you support :)
Hi, As of now I feel that nobody actually reads my comments. I have been begging for The Fight to be the feature. the Quest. Conquering something. I do not want tape measures. I don't want fat things. I don't even want you to worry about the word Diet.
At this point If you are still interested. I would love to have something Very Fight. Very Tough. Very Strong. Black color. Red. Dark. Borderline Violent.
Thanks for your latest efforts. It is bolder and stronger but doesn't hit me as what I am looking for. It is a little clunky and blocky. The burst of light behind it reminds me of laundry detergent logos. I need something sleeker that will appeal to both men and women and look sharp and hip for my New York clientele.
could I ask a favor to you? because I'm new here I need some good award, instead the first and the second logo comes from the same user, could you rank me as second. it is just a request, anyway do what you want . thanks for your patience :)))