The Cullen OutlookLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / The Cullen Outlook The Cullen Outlook has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 199 designs from 22 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client dtlogos United States What We Do We provide technical investment advice, mostly based on chart pattern recognition, to clients who invest in the futures markets either by trading on their own of with the assistance of one of our brokers. Industry Financial Color Preferences greys and blues and white Our Ideas & Additional Information With 'Outlook' being used in the name of the newsletter, felt binoculars were a good image to incorporate or at least use as a starting point for concepts. Stock/investment charts are another image that is woven into the business and could also be used. Themes MasculineColorfulClassicSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Corvin Withdrawn 2nd Plamen Withdrawn 3rd WastuCitra Withdrawn 4th Corvin Withdrawn 5th Corvin Withdrawn 6th Corvin Withdrawn 7th Corvin Withdrawn 8th Corvin Withdrawn 9th Corvin Withdrawn 10th Corvin Withdrawn New Plamen Withdrawn New Nafaz Withdrawn New Swabe Withdrawn New sunjava Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New Ryan Taufik S. Withdrawn New bpn Withdrawn New 2lines Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Withdrawn New Corvin Prefers others. muratyilmazer Withdrawn Prefers others. Swabe Withdrawn Prefers others. Swabe Withdrawn Prefers others. Swabe Withdrawn Prefers others. abisatya Withdrawn Prefers others. Ryan Taufik S. Withdrawn Prefers others. de.sign Withdrawn Prefers others. suke Withdrawn Prefers others. suke Withdrawn Prefers others. mesuka Withdrawn Prefers others. mesuka Withdrawn Prefers others. envision Withdrawn Prefers others. Plamen Withdrawn Prefers others. Plamen Withdrawn Prefers others. Plamen Withdrawn Prefers others. Ryan Taufik S. Withdrawn Prefers others. Ryan Taufik S. Withdrawn Prefers others. piyetoki Withdrawn Prefers others. bpn Withdrawn Prefers others. bpn Withdrawn Prefers others. bpn Withdrawn Prefers others. dapc79 Withdrawn Prefers others. dapc79 1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next > Discussion dtlogos Client Thank you for your participation. Since the format does not allow for the option to hide submissions, we just want to let everyone know that similar items will be weighed by the order they were received. 9 years ago dtlogos Client As another design idea for consideration, if anyone can incorporate designs that include a lookout in a sailing vessel that might be something of interest as well. Here is a link to one illustration:;_ylt=AwrB8pbNBfdVnEMAomkunIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIydGZ2cnFoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjYWY5MzRlZTY4NGY5ZmEyYjE3MzJkMjQwNzdhODBlNgRncG9zAzUEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=& 9 years ago dtlogos Client We are interested in seeing ideas that incorporate a lighthouse into the design. Apologies for the late notice, however we will be appreciative for the opportunity to review submissions that incorporate that idea for comparison purposes. Thank you. 9 years ago