Thanks for your entry! I like the idea, but I'm not sure that people are going to get what "colorguard" is by this art. I like the font, but could you try using the same color with some shading or other effect? Thanks!
Thanks... The artwork is better, but could it be incorporated into the logo rather than just on top of the words? Also, wording in one color instead of three?
I like #20 best. Take this idea and run with it! Definitely like the incorporation of the weapons in the words. Can you make "academy" larger - and take out the flag on the 'L'? I lose the sabre hilt & the L. Still missing a punch of color graphics. Is it possible to make the flag on 'D' larger and wrap around the end of the logo or something?
#44 - I like the new concept, but have some issues. Can you make "The" the same size as the rest of the words? Also, would like to see a different color combo - red, white, black. Thanks!