I like the new designs particularly #121, How would that design look with red? not all red, but in a combination with whatever colors you think would look right. I want something very eye catching, but still stylish and professional. I am also going to put the logo on t-shirts, so the shirts may be white, while our website will have a black background.
Thank you for the red versions #133 & 134. I like red, not sure if I like it better than the blue/grey, will have to think on that one! Thank you again for new designs!
#133, would like to see a few variations in color for a comparison if that is ok. Can I see what the b looks like in the red and the g in the grey white color? Also can you make "the" & "group" stand out more, but not overpower the "bidwell" in red.
#134 can you make everything in the grey colors darker? maybe black? for more contrast against the red. On a t- shirt the light grey wouldn't show up as well. Whatever you think would "pop" and look good.
Thank you. Ok The #133 looks best with the grey/white on the b, and I like the words "the" and "group" brightened up like you did on #160. Can I see that together in one design?
Also, can you show this design in a cobalt blue? I am torn between red and cobalt blue, I don't like the light blue that much. I like the jewel tone colors best.
Hi, Thank you for the color revisions, I am thinking about the #165 (Red/white/grey-black background) or #166 or #121 for the black background option
And #161 or #168 for the white background option.
I also thought about a combo of gold, the cobalt blue and black, but not sure if that would work for my logo? I have seen the combo work on other things, not sure if it would be too dark? What do you think? Sue
I need colors to look good on website and printing, can you give me an example with the blue, black & gold, with the blue that you think will work? I am trying to get best color combination at this point.
I do like the #47 blue, a tad better, but want what is going to look the best on website and printing. You know better than me, sounds like you have to use one type of colors for print, and one type for web?
Here's the example in blue, gold & black #182 I think red combos are the perfect one. It shows depth & contrast. If you like blue.. I suggest the #121 type of blue.
If you go with the red or #121 blue, we don't need 2 type of colors format. Just CMYK works well both on website and printing :)
Thank you for all the new color combos! We are torn between #183 & 165 & #121 color wise (cobalt & red & other blue) and then for t-shirts, would go with white background version of those above colors. (166 for blue like you said)
Does it matter which color type for business cards?
Ok, here is where we are, we love your design! We are still on the fence on which color red or blue. We like #165 on the black background, and #161 on the white background. We also like #183 for the website, and #166 & 168 or #121. if we use blue
How do we handle this? and also, we need many different sizes, as we will use the logo for the website, business cards, t-shirts, pens, mugs, and a small sign. I also read on the forum that you provide the design in black and white?
Please let me know your thoughts, so we can finalize this, so I can end the judging phase and wrap this up!