#10, really like the innovative design, would like some color contrast to make it pop! Thank you for all your submissions! #14 Again like the innovative design, very unique, love some contrast in color. #11 Really like the way you set up the logo , not too keen on the boxes, but like the idea of something else there, just not sure what, and also would like some color contrast. #12 Like the design, not so much the star,, like a more dramatic contrast in color.
Thank you for the additional submissions! #24,Not really into the red color, prefer maybe a black and gold and blue? not sure how that would look, like colors that pop together that look rich. B is a little to script for me. #23 like the changes to this logo, thinking about the colors. #25 Really like the black and blue combo and the placement of the logo!
#23, I love this logo, i like the silver the way it is in the top of the lefthand side of the logo design, but i would like the bottom portion of that design to have more of an electric blue color, such as the blue color of the "B" on the logo i have ranked #4.(i also like the gradient flow of the color of the blue from left to right.) Also can you change the color of the lettering to a blue that matches and looks good to the new blue on the design. Please submit this new logo on a black background and one on a white as well so i can see what it looks like. Thank you!
#35 I like this one better than #23, the brighter blue on the edges is nice. #36, I really like the black background, but you really can't read the name it just fades into the black, and I realize I told you to put them together, is there anyway to outline the words in a silver color to help separate it from the black? if that won't work, i would be open to your ideas.
#47, This is so elegant and rich looking, I love it! #50 , love that one too, just not as elegant #48,#49, nice but not liking as much #36, still like that one, even though a little dark
Hi, can you put #'s 47,50 & 36 on a white background? I am going to use logo for business cards, website, t-shirts etc, so want to see how looks on white also. Thanks!
Hi, I have another request, if this is ok,first, I love your design. I would also love to see what you would put together as a logo for our company if you could design it on your own terms with no guidance restrictions. Look forward to seeing it! I see your work is very creative! Thank you!
Thank you for all your new designs! I still like your# 47 design the best. I do like all the different color variations, you have shown, I am partial to the #47 color design, but like some of the other ones for t-shirts. You are still our #1 choice.
#109 That new font is very intriguing, I would like to see what that font looks like with the same set up as your #47 logo also if that is ok? I also like how you did the wording of thebidwellgroup all together on #109. Lots of decisions!
#110 The circle is different, not sure about that, think it takes away from the design, but thank you for trying something different.