The Awake MethodLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Awake Method

The Awake Method has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 167 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


Logo Designer
Dear Contest Holder,

Please let me know if you have a request revision on my designs...I'm happy to put many design as much as i can.

Thanks and have a great day
10 years ago
#140 #141 I was hoping that the vine can be alittle sharper more symmetrical. The words I think of are cutting edge, strength..maybe google 'strength logo' and 'cutting edge logo'. I like the font style thanks!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Urgencys,

Thank you for your wonderful feedback.. I will submit the revision asap..

have a great day
10 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you Urgencys for putting me again in rank 1.. if you have further revision please let me know, i'm happy to work everything i can
10 years ago
I like #153 and #154, few questions:

1. Can I get versions for black and white backgrounds
2. what font style have you used for 'awaken to your true potential'
3. Can both logos be put in a transparent background for ease of use or documents? (Without the White or black backgrounds)
4. Can I have the leaf as a separate image file on a transparent background?

Thanks for your work!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi urgencys,

Thanks for liking my #153 and #154, and here's my answer in your questions.

1. Yes you can have it.
2. I used century gothic font.
3.definitely. you will havethose transparent background.
4. Yes you can have it the leaf separate image file

Thank you and have a great day
10 years ago
Also can you put a trade mark (or small tm) next to #153 #154? Thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
ok i will make it urgency, sorry my net having problem
10 years ago
Thanks so much for your work. Absolutely love it! Please forward me the following too:
1. Versions for black and white background variations (with transparent backgrounds)
2. Leaf as separate image (on transparent background)

If you are keen, please forward me your email address. I may want to work with you down the track! Look forward to receiving the images!
10 years ago
One more thing, can you take out 'to' and just have the tagline as 'awaken your true potential' thanks!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi urgencys,

Thank you for choosing my logo..I will provide all your request version..1st i will provide the winning files here then the other files i will send it to your email i guess..because we only upload 1 files here...please let me know your email address.

Thank you and looking forward to work with you.
10 years ago
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