#38 I do not like the colour of 'W' (grey), could you try using a diff colour scheme, maybe add a little blue in. I would like to also see how this logo looks on black? Thanks!
Thank you so much for all your feedback. I have uploaded some new variations. I can change the shading and position of the leaf as well. Hope you like. ~Delilah
Thanks for that With the awaken to your true potential, def looks too busy. #100 is close, but prob without the extra words.
Just wondering, is there anyway of making the vine represent strength as well (catering to both female and males)...maybe the vine tail alittle sharper...just want to see how that looks..
Hi again, yes I agree it does make it busier with the tagline underneath. Please see #131 and #132 where I have made the line sharper. In #129 I have started to play with the strength idea, as in the example you showed me, but I'm not sure if I understood your instructions correctly. If you like i can continue working on this concept