Thanks for submitting some interesting proposals. Please give me a little bit of time to review them with my business partner and I'll return to you with some feedback.
thank you so much for your comment on my personal page on your contest. if u ask me about my designs concept, i am just using "sand watch" as my concept. i realized is really different with your logo reference. i am just playing with "TEMPUS" word. because tempus is "TIME" on latin word. please let me know if u want something changing about my designs.
You have no need to worry - your english is fine :-)
We like your concept about playing with 'time' and you are absolutely right about Tempus and latin. It's well thought to use the sand watch as inspiration. The way we use 'Tempus' (or 'time') is to signal 'instantly' (something that is current), that our products are presently and up to date, and that they will be possible to access from anywhere in the world at any time (as long as you are online). We really like #128 where the icon is next to our name. We believe we like that better than #127 where it is on top.
Regarding the entries #125 & #126, we think the sand watch is too manifest. We think the icon in #127 & #128 is stronger because the symbol here is less obvious, more abstract, more sculptural and more beautiful. We are afraid that the manifest sand watch could associate "waiting time" instead of instant access and instant learning.
Comparing #131 & #132 to #128 we are a bit divided. We think shape of the shield is very beautiful, and we would like to acknowledge and thank you for those suggestions as well. However we have decided, we would like you to focus on #128 because we like the modern and astract way you have designed the icon (derived from the sand watch). And we prefer that it hasn't got the 3D-look.
The Following is feedback to #128: We like the colours but it would be ok if you could try other colours as well. Just to see how it would look. Perhaps if one of the colours were warmer? Maybe if you exchange the light blue or the grey with a warmer colour? Could you please try to enlarge 'Academy' a bit? We like that you have aligned 'Academy' with 'Tempus' but when 'Academy' has such a small font we think it becomes a little difficult to read and difficult to see the alignment. However, 'Tempus' should still be larger than 'Academy'.
hi peter, thank you so much for give me some feedback. yes, i realized some people will represent sand watch with "waiting time" or "loading time". and in this case, i was added some element for make the sand watch more faster. :)
please do not hesitate for contacting me for give me some feedback about my designs.
Hello again, Thanks. Very interesting to follow your approach. I actually just thought about asking you to make a round shape instead of the square. Maybe you are reading my mind :-) I think I prefer #172 to #173. I think #171 is better than #174
Summing up; I think we should focus on #128, #171 & #172.
I now realize that In #127 you have used the dark blue at the bottom and the light blue on top. I like that better than the reverse in #128. It's difficult for me to explain why but it seems to be something visual - that it seems more grounded when the dark colour is at the bottom. Could you please try to put the dark blue at the bottom of #128, #171 and #172.
Let's put the colours on standby for a moment and consider the design of the icon.The element that's surrounding the circle in #171, is that a sympol for time/process - inspired by a computer? On the right side it starts with something that looks like a snake's head (forgive me, I know it's not a snake's head but I don't know what else to call it). Could you try to make that without the little tap/pin that points towards the name. I wonder if it would make it more symmetric.
hi peter... i am not charles xavier (professor x) so i can't read your mind :D i just try do the best for your contest, and try lil bit experiment for the symbol. i was uploading some variation about the logo, i realized not much changed. just some symmetric for the loading time for represent the fast time. and yes, i am inspired by computer. :)
please let me know if u want something changing about my designs.
I think you're doing splendid, even if you are not Charles Xavier :-) Is #176 the same as #177? My firsthand impression is that we moving in the right direction although I think we should reconsider the size of the font and the colours. It must be late in Indonesia now, so let me just have a talk with my business partner to review your new logo posts so that I wont end up misleading you. Thanks Brian
#176 and #177 just a different on color for the loading time. yes, sare now is 9.33pm in indonesia. it's not to late for me. just hit me up if u need anything from me sir. i will do all the best for this contest.
Dear Brian, After reviewing the different versions with my business partner, we have decided to focus on #128. We think it's really elegant! May we suggest a few adjustments: Firstly, we are concerned that the text will be too small to use on business cards. Could you use a little larger font for 'Academy'? Hopefully without ruining the delicate design. And would you please put the dark blue at the bottom of the sand watch and the light blue on top?
hi peter, thank you so much for the rank. and i hope i can maintain my rank the best i can until the contest end. i have made some changing from you suggest, and try make some variation with another font type. please review it. i will make all the revision from all ur suggest. just do all the best in this contest. thank you so much once again.
Hi Brian, Thanks for the new versions. I prefer #208. I like that 'Academy' is more visible but still you have preserved the original look. The second best is #211 but I don't like when the font becomes too narrow as in #209. Let me just think if there is anymore I would like you to adjust
hi peter... okay, i will wait for your another suggestion. and this i have make some variation with sand watch. but in modern feel. do not hesitate for give me some feedback sir.
Dear Brian, Thanks a lot for the new variations. They are very nice, and I like the way you have combined the classical with the modern! You are very inventive and #228, #229 & #230 are very strong logos as well! However, the status is that we are very close to choose #208 as the favorite. As you might know, we are two partners, and at the moment we are debating. We do however agree that we think it's unlikely we will change the ranking of designers. The debate is between #208 and the new #228, #229 & #230. Actually I'm not quite sure about what the difference is between #228 & #229? With the new icons #228, #229 & #230 I like the shape of two first ones best. But I like that the sand watch is kept more visible in #230. Could you perhaps try to make the shape of the icon in #230 a little less wide, horizontally? What I mean is, it's like the icon has been "pushed" together vertically a little bit too much. And could you try to make the white line shaping the sand watch is little less curved?
Lastly, I would like to reconsider the font. Maybe it's perfect but I'd like your opinion. We think you have done a nice job making 'Academy' more visible. The only concern now is to make sure that the logo will be suitable, not only for the web but also for print on business cards and on letter heads. The address of the website will be 'tempus-academy' meaning that 'Academy' is a central part of the name. Do you think 'Academy' is visible enough - as it is now - for prints on business cards?
hi Peter.. this is the new revision from your brief #233 #234 #235
all the new logo using new size. for the TEMPUS i am using 14pt size and 8pt for ACADEMY and i was make some print mock up for imagine the size. and i am pretty sure this size will look great on stationery media (business card, letter head or envelope), because the minimum size for basic font is on 8pt, and almost all the news on newspaper using 8pt for their font size (except for the title, headlines, or etc)
and the different about #228 and #229 is about the color on the logo. #228 using gradient color, and #229 using solid color.
please let me know if u want something changing about my designs peter.
Hi Brian, What's the difference between #234 & #208? Are the colors lighter on #234? Thanks for trying with #233 & #235. Visually I think #235 works best. On the other hand, the sand watch tends to disappear. I'm waiting for some feedback from my colleague on your new proposals.
Could you try with a tiny bit less space between the letters and perhaps a little more bold. Perhaps something in between #208 & #213. Could you try 'Academy' with the sans serif font of #209 or #210 as well?
Ok, thanks for testing on a print mock up. I can't see the new size of the font but it must be my screen then. Would you still try with a little less space and a little bolder, please?
Thanks for all the great work you are doing, Brian!
hi Peter, i just try do all the best like what i am said before. i was upload the new variation for font and some variation for the logo more look like sand watch. #236 #237 #238 #239 #240 #241. actually the changed about my font size is not to significant. so if we see again is like no changing on the size.
and about #234 an #208 is almost the same logo and words, but on the #234 i am using the new size of font like.
hope u like it with the new variation. please do not hesitate for back again and leave some feedback for me peter.
Dear Brian, Thank you for the beautiful work! We are still evaluating the font. Would it be possible to see the icon of #234 a little bit rounded and with the shadows like you have done in the new editions of e.g. #236 - but without turning the icon?
hi Peter, i was upload the new revision for rounded and added some shadow #242 #243 #244 feel free for take evaluating. and just hit me up if u need something for me.
hi Peter, it's okay, just take your time... i am ready for all the your new suggestion. just hit me up if u want something changing or maybe some variation in black, white and gray color scheme. do not hesitate for contact me sir.
Halo Brian, We have chosen #243 to be the winner. A few practical questions: would you like me to rank the logo suggestions which I have not yet ranked? Meaning; do you get point for all ranked logo suggestion or only for the winning logo? If we would like to use #234 for print (e.g. letterheads, envolopes and business cards) and #243 for our website, would that be possible and how would it work? In the nearer future we might need some assistance setting up a template to be used for a series of articles that shall be available through our website. We plan to edit the articles in InDesign and plan the end document to be a pdf. Is that a job you might be interested in sometime in the future. Do you have your own business no so we can pay you directly and get a reciept?
Well, you can think about that. Let's get back to the wining logo: I like the round effects and the subtle shadow. I think it is important that the two blue triangle's peak pointing towards each other are not round. I think they should meet, forming the sand watch. Isn't that the case with #243? The two peaks meeting are not rounded, are they? If that's the case, it's perfect. And now to something of little debat between me and my partner. That is the font. However as the concept we like the fact that the font is classical and elegant as opposed to the more modern look of the icon. Could you please try firstly to make the distance between the letters a little smaller. Secnondly, is it possible to have a font that is something in between #243 & #236 regarding the boldness?
first of all, thank you very much for pick me as a winner. don't worry about my another logo u don't ranked.
yes, for #243 the peak is not rounded, and the two peak toward each other sir. and i will make some revision for make the the space between little smaller. and changed the font between regular and boldness. just please wait for a moment sir.
hi Peter, i have upload the new variation from my designs. that the design with smaller space between the letter #248 and variation using font between regular and boldness sir #249 please let me know if u want something changing about the designs.