I've come up with a visually hi-end design..and added a possible tagline.
the icon is an abstract arrow in the form of these devices, mackbook, ipad, iphone, Imac display. with out infringing on any Apple device or logo
I've also felt is was important not to separate the wording as in the original..keeping the text a Tech Rebuy has a more professional read
The design direction is not about appearing a used car dealership rather a hi-end professional service that we know any Apple person will relate to....
The tagline is not about used with Apple people never use the word " used" Pre-owned touches on the fact that apple people care for their devices and your site should reflect that as well in brand and identity
This is why I chose not to use a re-cycle symbol or leaf, consumers already know this from buying apple products
#126 is better in terms of the symbol, but I don't think we're there yet. I don't think the tagline will work.
Do you have any other ideas for the symbol? If not, then what about removing the symbol all together, and adding a very slight, or subtle effect to the text portion instead? I noticed that #42 created an effect coming off the 'T' which added (instead of took away) to the overall look of the logo.
...I took a moment, and did an image search for Recycle symbols. I found something that might actually work for the symbol. It's a very subtle Recycle-type of symbol too. Please take a moment and check this page out: http://www.istockphoto.com/stock-illustration-10507682-recycle-symbols-and-icons.php The very first symbol -- with the graduated shading. I also like the first symbol in the last row -- with the slight bubble-sphere effect. What do you think? And I'd still like to see something about what I talked about in paragraph two above as well.
all have store front signage in mind...even though people know where to go a clear and distinctive visual is key. Just take a drive around see what signage sticks out..it's the ones that take 2 seconds to understand. anything more complicate people will miss it..and that's a fact. I know from personal experience I've gone looking for a tiny little tech shop located in an open air strip mall and not found it whether I was on the road or going through the parking lot...but I did go the his competition across the street, why because I could not find the other one. yet it was right in front of me...
why did I notice the competition..easy the signage was clear as day and I could read from the parking lot across the street...the shop I wanted to go to all they had was text on a glass door.
The point is simple is key to recognition and #161 #162 except for #163 it's a wee bit to busy with the ring or arrows to distracting to the eye
I liked what you've done with the "Re", especially with the recycle arrows on #163, however I'm still liking the #126 logo (text) as the direction to take...with some reservations pointed out above. I'd like for the tagline to be removed (and I know you've done this with later work). I also like to see a different symbol -- again, it looks good, but I don't think it works for me. I am liking something being done with a generic iPhone, iPod or iPad -- I know you had asked very early on if I wanted that, and I didn't think I did. But, after seeing some different things done with symbols from other designers, I'm liking that approach.
I have an idea for the symbol of #126. I want to try it a subtler approach. Please remove the blue computer-like object -- and keep the 3 square dots, but reposition these dots somewhere immediately to the left of the 't', perhaps in the middle, or nearly off the 't'. I'd like to see how that looks. I'd like to incorporate green somehow -- like you managed in #163, but not sure how to pull that off.
Oh...and please remove the tagline. Thanks! -Brian.
I didn't see anything come through today -- but that may be for the best (well, I'd still like to see the mod with the 3 square dots!). Anyway, I looked around all day and finally found what would be the perfect symbol for my logo! The concept is a button with a Refresh symbol in the center. That button beautifully captures what TechReBuy is all about. You can see a representation of this button here on http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/20432194/2/stock-illustration-20432194-rotate-high-detailed-web-button-collection.jpg The large one, or the one at the bottom-left corner. Would you try to mock-up something similar to these and then use that as the new symbol? Please let me know. Thanks! -Brian
Hi Brian, thank you for the confidence and reference links.....I never want to lose a project but it's my responsibility to provide you with a design that is in my professional opinion is the right direction to take.
I give 100% into every project I undertake here on LT, but there comes a time when I need to make decision to continue or not. This is one of those times, I cannot bring myself to do a power switch, a recycle icon. This is beauty of crowd sourcing / specwork, You'll fine someone who will give you exactly what you want not what you need.
Thank you for considering my work it is truly appreciated and I must say you are in a rare group of Contest Holders that take proactive and responsive role in their contest....you'd be surprised at how many do not.
Thank you for the variations. Could I request for you to position the digital dots immediately to the left of the 't' --- coming directly off it. Also, another variation of the digital dots positioned immediately to the left of the overall logo (sorta to the left of the 't', but more towards the middle). I think that *should* do it then. Yeah, I definitely like the non-bold 'tech' over the bold.
I like the button(!) you added to the iPad/Tablet in #230. Would you add that same button to the #126 logo, and change that tagline to www.techrebuy.com? I'll then more than likely choose that logo as 1st place.
I know #230 may not look as awesome disassociating the dots from the tablet, but I would like to see it w/o.
And, lastly, could I have the logo w/o even the data dots? I'd like to have that too if I could.
In #232, would you make the 'www.techrebuy.com' tagline as the same-sized font as you used for the tagline in #126? Do you think it'd look better closer to the tail of the 'y'? I'd probably use this one for our retail store signage.
Sorry for the confusion, Scott. In that note from 6:43, I meant I'd like to see #230 without the *tablet*. I just wanted to see the digital dots to the left of the #230 logo.
#236 the web address is now approx same hight as the the tagline #126 as you can see the shorter the line the more it looks out of place which is why adding or removing words effects the overall look and feel
For my archives, I also wanted just text of the logo on its own -- without any tablet, or digital dots...or even tagline. Sorry for the confusion on that again. So, would you remove the digital dots from #229? You'd be able to send a vector file of that to me, right? Along with the vector file of the 1st place winner?
the logo is completely interchangeable,,,removing components from #237 is not a problem
The required file for a winning entry are EPS and jpg
however i do supply these additional file formats
hi res jpg 300 dpi cmyk hi res jpg 300 dpi rgb hi res B&W 300 dpi no background PNG for web use large, medium small illustrator: file this illustrator file will have with icon and data dots, without icon and text only, plus you will be3 able to re-arrange as required.