What We Do
We provide mapping, GPS, and survey services detailing various property ownership, wildlife and park boundaries, building locations, health, schools, social services, in Tanzania.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would really like to get some logos with a lion as the focus.
The logo could incorporate the concept of people, buildings, nature, and health in the logo but be careful not to make too detailed or complicated.
If you were hiring a mapping company in a country that is not familiar with this technology, what would catch your eye?
Stay away from images of Tanzania, Africa, compass, pointers, globe, and focus more on the tagline, "Know the World Around You" in a creative way.
Ideas using the images for reference: binoculars where one lens captures a cityscape and the other lens a landscape/nature (elephants, giraffe).
Using a single line starting with the tail of the elephant outline the elephant then flow into a tree, then a person, then buildings, ending with Tanza Maps.
Head of a lion, or elephant, or tree with a single like drawing a cityscape above the medallion and Tanza Maps underneath.
Image of an elephant with a cityscape inside and incorporated in the elephant.
A tree logo with branches incorporating mapping, nature, building, people symbols
An Acacia tree center with a cityscape under one side and animals and a human stick figure on the other side.