Tail Feather CoachingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Tail Feather Coaching

Tail Feather Coaching has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 194 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.
























































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Logo Designer

Here is one possibility for you. The silhouette is recognizable as a hawk, the line indicates movement.

Layout and colors may be substituted.

If you would like to see some details added to the hawk I can do that for you

Thank you,
Kind Regards,
10 years ago
Hello Teresa, thank you for your submissions! I like the layout of #62. Could the green be switched to a darker blue? Also, the bird looks more like a dove instead of a hawk so it kind of reminds me more of a church. I really like the fonts for both the name and tag line.
Thank you!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you I will see if I can get something uploaded before I sign off.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I reillustrated the hawk for you. Something more recognizable.

Thank you, I look forward to your comments.

The circle can also be solid rather than a gradient if you like.
If you want to see another blue let me know.

Have a good evening!
10 years ago
Hello Teresa, thank you for your submission -- I really like #63. I'm not crazy about the light blue. I really love jewel tones so was wondering what a deeper blue/purple might look like. Plus, what would you suggest for a different font for the tag line as it seems harder to read to me.

Thank you!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, I will work on that for you....if it is because of the 'script' font, the same serif font or a san serif font.

I'll try more for you
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is another possibility...
#106 is with a gradient blue

the others are solid jewel tone blue

I realize as I was selecting the fonts on your tag line it is difficult I guess because of the arrangement of the letters. Although a simple script looks great, most are not legible. But on this one I added the caps to each word to help.
The other is a simple san serif font the only other option would be a serif and I wouldn't combine a different font other than on your name since most are too similar and will create visual imbalance.

I will check back with you.
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Right now these are only two colors if considering it is on a white background, otherwise the white shadow will be a 3rd color if on a dark background and if so, the brown on the hawk may need to be lightened if you ever need that.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
that is, with the solid blue
10 years ago
Thank you for all of your work and for listening to my requests! I really like #106 - Could the brown be a bit richer/darker without losing the warmth? I like the font of the tag line in #107. I know I'm getting picky here but I think we are getting close.
Thank you!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for staying with me on this...I just uploaded one where the hawk is clearer on the beak as it is in the white. Also adjusted the gradient to be all contained within the horizontal line so there is no visible color difference at the edge of the circle and where the line begins.

I will get on this for you and have something for you in a few minutes.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are these...both with slight variations

#119 #120

And with a richer brown...I tried to take this to CMYK %s but holding the yellow it started to look muddy and more black it started to go to a purple...I can keep trying...but this one is Pantone 505 Brown

I noticed along the edges of the overlapping feathers they weren't lining up so that it didn't look like a registration problem...so I enlarged the image of the hawk slightly so that the white underneath is clean.
I have a little bit of adjusting room if you want to move the dark brown hawk back a little.

I'll be watching for your comments.
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

....and some other very slight changes on this one
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Would you like me to send you one with the lighter royal blue on these last ones for you to see?
10 years ago
Hi Teresa,
Thank you for all of your efforts! I’m getting feedback rom colleagues that they see me as a colorful vibrant person and are do not like all of the brown in the logos (even thought it suppose to represent a red tailed hawk!). So, any ideas on how to make this more colorful? Purple hawk? I’m not sure how to direct you so I’m leaving that up to you to try something more wild – go for it!!! Also, I like the smaller hawk in logo #63 and the gradient blue – maybe a more dramatic gradation? I’d also like to see the lettering of the business be darker so that it can be easily read. I like that “Coaching” is prominent ad that ”Tail Feather” is smaller. And I like the tag line font – maybe darker?
See what you can do with this information and thank you again for all of your efforts!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work on this tonight as tomorrow I am away the entire day teaching art

This information about your is important....I will upload some according to your recent notes in about an hour.

Thank you!

10 years ago
Logo Designer

Wow, what a wonderful suggestion...what a drastic different...this is vibrant.
In the spectrum of color, oranges and blues compliment each other as you can see always in nature.
The beautiful golden orange highlights in the red hawk's feathers are also complimentary with the blue sky

I will darken the tag line and line again.
10 years ago
Wow! #123 -- This one really pops! The business name gets a bit lost though as it is in yellow. Love the direction you are going in!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

Here it is with the darker reflex blue on your tagline and line

I am trying to recenter the hawk a little with micro movements to see if I can get the wings to balance within the circle
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Some variations with slight differences in each for you

#127 #128 #129
10 years ago
Logo Designer
and then this one with richer gold tones on the hawk and a lighter royal blue on your name.

I will check back later and see if you need anything. I will be here off and on for a few more hours to be sure since I will be away tomorrow and possibly most of the day off and on for Friday.

10 years ago
Logo Designer

Getting ready to sign off for the night.

This one I made the line a little narrower, but can a little more to a finer line.
Also changed the color to a lighter royal for more depth and variation.

Just let me know. Any of the design elements may be interchanged or altered.

Thank you so much!!
Have a restful evening!
10 years ago
Thank you for all of your efforts! Have a good night!
10 years ago
Hi Teresa,
Thank you for ALL of your submissions. I had one more thought -- what would it look like the logo look like if the bird was diving toward its prey? Diving down vs. soaring up?? This is a great metaphor for coaching -- going after what you want in life. Do you have any ideas for that?
Thank you!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your notes!

I'm back and ready to do this for you.

I thought of this but since your tagline is 'soar' I didn't.

The metaphor of soaring for me speaks of how we 'see' all of life, the 'above perspective' is looking at 'all' the angles and facets. This is primary in assessing our bigger picture.

I would need to hear more of what 'diving toward its prey' means to you though.

But I will do that for you to see shortly.

10 years ago
Logo Designer

I like this, it could still be 'soaring' and be open to other concepts.

I also made the line a little thinner.....I can go back to any other color arrangement, layout etc. that you prefer.
Just let me know.

I will be online for a couple of hours and will watch to see if you would like to see any other possibilities.

10 years ago
Thank you! I do like #155 but not as much #132. I so appreciate you doing this -- my thoughts about diving for prey is a great coaching metaphor because often times I am working with a client who is really going after what matters most to her in her life -- the process of pursuit. I'm going into a meeting for the evening but will be back on in the morning. I cannot think of any other feedback right now...

Thank you!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you!!

I hope if you like the layout and colors in your design that you will allow me to keep trying if there is something I missed
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Have a good evening!
I will check back in the morning,

Thank you!
10 years ago
Hi Teresa,

I'm out of my meeting and I showed #132 to my husband. He really liked the whole concept except for the fonts. What else might you suggest for different fonts? He did like that "Coaching" was bigger than "Tail Feather."

Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
This is a very classic font, easy and quick to read and retain. That is important.

You don't want to use more than two, maybe 3 different fonts at the most for design fundamentals.

But the script that I used on your tagline in #105 may be used for your name on Coach but would need to be C/L. It will add a little more of a feminine feel to the design as well.

I will try and show you. When I am designing I am thinking about all the essentials of recognition, legibility and immediate impact all are essential for branding.

Sometimes I have continued on tweaking designs even after a contest has ended. But trust your instincts...you are appealing to your audience, there are many 'thinkers' and many 'feelers'. The details I can identify in this for you.

I will be logging off in about 30 minutes so I will upload this for your before I do and check back in the morning.

Have a restful evening,
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#161 #162 #163

Here are these with rearrangements of color and fonts.
The fonts are clean and compliment each other rather than clashing with each other.

I will help you any way I am able. Let me know how you feel about these.

I'll be back on in the morning about 8ish CST.

Have a good night!
Thank you again!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

Just checking in with you. I have meetings all day today and will check back late afternoon or early evening.

Thank you! I enjoy working with you, knowing your work, designing your logo inspires me. The vibrant colors promote inspiration.

Have a great day!
10 years ago
Hello Therea
I'm looking for one more possibility as a direct result of some colleague feedback. What would the logo look like if the bird was on the right and the wording on the left? The feedback was that the bird should be seen as soaring into the sky vs. soaring into the words. Might this be possible?
Thank you!
10 years ago
#161 - in addition to the above email, could the colors also be made a few shades darker especially in the wording?
10 years ago
#161 - okay, now I have a picky request! On the bird's wings - I'm wondering what it would look like without the fourth little feather? The placement of this feather seems a little off - too far back maybe and/or not in alignment with the other three. Would it be possible to change the position or take it out altogether? Not sure what this would look like...
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

I can make the colors a little darker but the adjustments will need to be converted to CMYK %s

Also, I'm trying to understand the second post. I think with the gradient colors in the circle the white shadow needs to offset the colors...but the feathers don't need to have the detail on the white...that is just me always trying to be accurate, sometimes when it isn't needed...accurate meaning the shadow 'being the same'...but I will try just moving the feathers on the white shadow out of the circle all together and increasing the hawk a little so the its feathers are out of the circle.

Just a note, I noticed you used the term 'email' on your public comment posting....designers are not allowed to email and could be cause for violation points or removal...just thought I let you know...seems you mean..the 'message posts'
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Give me a few minutes, I will work on that now
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Finally understand on the feather...I will reillustrate that feather....I probably over emphasized the curve
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Not sure why it was uploading 2 of the same entry...but the last 4 are the revisions.

#181 is the first revision and the others as you can see I took the time to reillustrate the flight feathers with more detail, adds more interest

The darker colors for comparison

#183 and #185 are solid colors....#183 turns out to be a 2 color design, unless white is ever needed to be an additional color for printing.

I need to leave for awhile and will check back when I return in a few hours.

Thank you, I hope you like these.

10 years ago
Wow! Great work - I really like what you did with #185 - very cool. I have two questions that were raised by another colleague who has a strong background in communications and graphic design. 1. Are the fonts readily available so that if I wanted to make a form with just the business name and tag line they would look like they belonged together? I use a Mac and can do enough layout in pages to be dangerous! 2. How would the logo look if it were reproduced in one color, like on a t-shirt?
Again, I truly appreciate all of you hard work in this process - thank you!
10 years ago
I am going back and forth between #182 and #185 -- getting down to little details....
#182: I'd like to see the bird go back to having more gradation like in #132 and a bit more shadow like in #132. I like the shadow element because as a coach I am joining someone on her journey and we "fly" together for a while so I like the subtle suggestion of two birds.
#185 - what would it look like if there were a very subtle dark out line on the tips of the feathers that are outside of the circle? When I back up a bit from the logo, I lose the yellows so I lose important bits of information about the wings. I still want the integrity of the white bird so not to complete the circle or a complete outline of the bird...just a touch more detail so they do not get lost. Thoughts on how to do that?
Thank you!!!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

Sorry had to remove #185, I'm starting to get messages now from other designers that my designs are too close to theirs.
This one may have been too close to Stickie's? but to avoid Logo Court and violation points I removed it.
Now I am checking about another claim.

I will be away all afternoon out of town and will return this evening probably not until about 10...but I will take care of these for you that time....because tomorrow I will be away teaching art all day again..I hope this isn't an inconvenience for you.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
Kind Regards,
10 years ago
Logo Designer

just checking with you for the claim made...were balubelajar's designs withdrawn and then reinstated later?
I did not see theirs, and I am very careful when designing to double and triple check everything before I even begin.

I will check with resolutions when I return tonight to see what is happening on the discussion.
We will work it out for you.

I read your notes and will work on that late tonight when I return so you can have it to look at tomorrow.
Thank you!
Have a wonderful day!
10 years ago
Hi Teresa,
No worries. That is a bummer that others complained as I do not think #185 looked like anyone else's. I think if they were concerned about reversing the bird and making it white is pretty basic design element and should not really be owned by anyone. Oh well, we can move on because you have created many more to choose from!

Let's focus on # 182 - here are the details
1. Are the fonts readily available so that if I wanted to make a form with just the business name and tag line they would look like they belonged together? I use a Mac and can do enough layout in pages to be dangerous!
2. How would the logo look if it were reproduced in one color, like on a t-shirt?
3. I'd like to see the bird go back to having more gradation like in #132 and a bit more shadow like in #132. I like the shadow element because as a coach I am joining someone on her journey and we "fly" together for a while so I like the subtle suggestion of two birds.

I'll check in later tomorrow - have a great day!
Thank you!
10 years ago
Logo Designer

I am running late and will work on this for you this evening,
The reason the gradation changed is I moved the darker red/orange over a little to blend but will move it back for you.

When I did the shadow element I was thinking about just that since you made a comment in your brief along that about 2 birds.

Thank you for getting back with me

10 years ago
Logo Designer
#188 #189 #190 #191 #192

Here are these variations...some with white outline and 1 with a golden outline...almost give a sunlight outline.
The last two are to show you what a 1 color solid would look like in any color you choose.
Another one on the way too...
10 years ago
Logo Designer
#193 with a different gradation angle and wider across the area.

Here are the fonts and are freeware or shareware and readily available
Script on Tail Feather

Serif font for COACHING

San Serif Font for Dare To Soar!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
and another...#194 ...maybe not much different from #193
just made the hawk on the top on this one a little smaller to allow for more of the shadow.
When I reillustrated it, the angle of the wings do not allow for the small white on the right of the tail, but the left side does show

If you want it that way as before I will need to reposition a new one on the wings.

This one has the golden outline

Mondays and Thursdays I volunteer at a nursing home...I've taught all level art in private, schools and groups but now I call myself an art 'coach' :-) since I assist and encourage rather than teaching fundamentals. And since the residents with 2 of the nursing homes are in memory care it is amazing to watch all of their creativity pour out in many wonderful abstracts! They make my day!

Hope you have a restful evening, I will return about 6pm CST tomorrow..
Thank you!

10 years ago
Thank you for the links for the fonts. I tried downloading them but I don't think I did it correctly. Could you walk me through how to get these on my computer?
10 years ago
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