I like the latest revision. My only feedback is that there appears to be a dark spot top the top of the S in the graphic. I realize that's intentional, but the dark spot jumped out at me. Also, is it possible to smooth out the contrasts in the blue circles?
Ummm, thanks but it doesn't quite work the way I was thinking. Let's scrap the font experiment and stick with the font in #21. I think we're close to a final with #21. Can you add one more variant? Can you replace the tagline "Simplifying a complex world" with "Business Intelligence"?
re: #25 - the tagline is kind of hard to read because the font size is small. We're going to using this logo on lanyards (badge holders that go around your neck) and I want to be sure that you can see the text. Can you increase the font size so that "Business Intelligence" is the same width as "Syntactical"? I'd also like the height of both lines of text to be closer to the height of the image. Increasing the size and width of the text is OK in order to make the height of the image and lines of text a little more in proportion. Thanks for the quick turnarounds.