Re: entry #10: Thank you for the TM info. You're the only one that mentioned that. Kudos to you! Also Kudos for your designs. We like them. One question came up during this discussion; is it possible to make these faces more like hand-drawn? More organic looking? It it's possible, can we see it?
Re: entry #11: We like this one too, but think #10 is more "better".
Hi Anna, Re entry #10. I just printed it in black & white and it shows up pretty well, except for the "ee". They were a little too light. Can the color on those two be darkened? How do I get to see responses from you?
Hi! This entry features a more "hand drawn" stroke on the kids. I also tried to make the "ee"s darker. What do you think of the font, are you 100% happy with it, or do you want me to try other rounded fonts?
Anna, you're wonderful! Believe it or not we think we like the first design better. We'll need the colors in the letters changed as you've done. Everything you've done adds a new characteristic to think about. Like hair color, eyes. There's a green X over the fifth design. Does that mean anything special? Now, because of the eyes, we were talking about maybe adding an ethnic look. Like maybe the boy on the left could be just a little darker skinned to encompass people of color. Maybe the baby could be Asian. And the little girl could stay white. About the fonts; unless you think there's one that would look better, we're happy ... except, is it possible to have the bottom of the V a bit pointier? Thanks again Anna! Glad
Hi Anna! We're still talking about #47. The majority of us like it. (One person thougt it looked a little "cartoony". Not my word.) As far as I'm concerned and several others, it has the most charm. I want to be perfectly honest with you, because you've been so great to work with. Anyway, you know how you asked yesterday if there was anything else I'd like to see explored? Well, here's my thinking; I think all the face colors, are just a little dark, especially the little Asian baby. Also, the eyes for the Asian baby and the little blonde girl should be switched back to #10. She looks so cute and we're probably carrying things too far with the squinty eyes, so please change the baby back to #10. One more thing, What do you think about taking the curl away from the baby, and giving him little black bangs? I hope I'm not sounding picky, but Asians don't have curls. Thanks for everything!! Glad
#72: Hi Anna, we'd like to see about one more change. Is it possible to leave everything the way it is, except change the color of the child-of-color to one closer to that of #47? Hope that makes sense. Let me know. Also, how does one announce who the winner of the contest is? It's you! How do we tell everyone else?
Once you close the contest, in order to complete it, you have to select your winning design for gold and also put different designers on sivler and bronze spots.
After you choose me I will upload the files which you then will have to approve.
Thank you, I had so much fun working on your logo!
It is up to you what tag line you want me to include in the final files once you complete the contest. I had noticed some companies also trademark their slogans as well.
I'm not sure "Blankets With Sleeves" is a slogan as much as a description. So I think the TM can come out.
Now that we're talking, what would it take to change the shapes of their heads a bit? Like maybe not so round. Would ovals look funny? Is there a way to "contour" the heads? Let me know. Thanks, Glad
Not sure exactly what you meant by "contour the heads", but I made the strokes more calligraphic (thickness of line varies from thick to thin) and added ears to add dimention and realism to the faces.
One partner asked about changing some colors in the name. I told her to let me know what colors she wanted to see, so I'm waiting to hear from her.
Also, I understand that this art is ours after you upload the files to us. And we can make changes ourselves. Is that true? Don't worry, I won't let anyone mess it up.
I am pretty sure that most of the buyers of logos don't have the design progams. They ususally take it to a printer and when the logo goes to print they can modify colors if necessary.
If you need a change of colors right now, let me know. I can also provide you with a couple variations after you select my logo.
I have Adobe Illustrator, part of Creative Suite 2. I have Microsoft Office which includes Publisher. I'm still waiting to hear about the color changes that my partner are looking for. If they don't come before the contest closes, we'll try to make the changes ourselves. Are you no longer available once we get the files from you? Will we have any opportunities to speak or ask you questions?