I like #1. The newspaper connects the logo nicely to the field of investing. I would want to see this idea developed further. Perhaps the newspaper can be better defined, so that the logo does not look like the dog is holding a bone, especially from a distance. :)
Entry #2 feels more like "online radio" or "computer reviews", so I like it less.
defined the newspaper more...and added an upticking CHART, I am in the stock bizz, so I am quite familiar with this area. Will this be a profiling site? Penny stocks? Or unbiased news?
#4 Yes, the newspaper definition is better. I don't think I like the gradient too much - the dog starts to look too weird. Kind of like an alien.
#3 Interesting idea, but the dog started to look way to weird with this color. Would probably need to change the name to something like "greenDog.com" with this logo :)
Can we explore different colors? I like the overall "outline of a dog with newspaper" effect, but now thinking about it, even the original red color was a little strange, and with the gradient or green it looks even stranger.
Hey! A few more images came in, but your #7 is still my top choice. I really like how it puts the emphasis on "stock", and how the idea of "fetching the information" is reflected in the newspaper. Also, good overall balance of the symbol and the text. Do you think you could make a few more variations on this image?
Just thinking... the newspaper looks a bit like computer keyboard from the distance. One of my friends thought that's what it was. Not sure how much clarity can be achieved in the small graphic like that, but I was looking at the following image: http://gpsobsessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/google-latitude-logo-300x300.png and also at the maps icon used in this site: http://www.google.com/mobile/maps/index.html Both very clearly look like maps. I wonder if that level of clarity can be achieved with the financial newspaper the dog is holding in its mouth...
I don't particularly care for the tail wag effect in #47 and others, or the gradient decoration on the site name ("stockPup"). I very much like the solid simple clean design of #7. My only issue with #7 remains that the newspaper is not as fleshed out as I would like. I see you tried to improve it in #47, although this particular redesign does not quite do the trick - the paper looks like a bone, and does not really communicate "stock" and "investing" any better that the original design in #7.