#140 - Wow. Thank you for the obvious amount of work that went into the design. There's a lot of aspects I like. It has a nice combination of edginess and professionalism.
I like the concept of the wings behind the shield but they are a little to frilly. The color in the design is very nice. I like the pistols but they might be a bit too large on the shield.
I like the banners pretty well with Stillwater Armory on them.
Again, very nice first entry. I can't wait to see where you can take this.
thanks for the feedback. On this one, I removed the wings and added a wreath style, changed the banner color and sized the pistols, I have some great ideas for this contest so I'll keep em comin! thanks
#149 - Thanks for another great design. I prefer this one to the first one.
I'm not a fan of the stars.
I like the color in the design.
I think the "Stillwater" "Armory" needs to be emphasized more. I like the banners containing the company name just need to be careful not to have the logo appear to soft.
I'm looking for an aggressive, professional logo. We'll do doing a lot of embroidery so small details are going to be difficult to replicate. I like the direction you're heading and can't wait to see what you come up with.
#169 - If I had to pick my single favorite portion of any logo, it would be your eagle clutching the banner. If you can run with that, I think we'll have a great design.
So I got rid of the wreath, and the shield, I replaced it with the badge shield and put the eagle in the middle. Wasn't sure if you wanted the slogan or anything else incorporated but it can easily be added. Hope you like it, Thanks.
#180 - I think I somehow want the eagle holding "Firearms -*- Training" or maybe "Train. Defend. Live." I love how he was perched onto the shield in the original designs.
#181 - What a beautiful logo. I really like this. I think you could get rid of the shield entirely. If you could work one of the slogans into the design where it identified what we did, this might be absolutely wonderful.
oh, just saw your comment, I just submitted another design with the shield still in tact lol, I'll rework it without and get back to ya in a few. I gotta say, you have given amazing feedback and I thank you personally. It makes it alot easier for everyone and gives us a better chance to give you the best logo. Thanks again.
#183 - I really like where you're headed. I don't mind the shield but its not a necessary design element. The shield presented here looks a little plain. I don't want to just embellish it with gradients and shading though because a primary purpose of the logo will be embroidery onto black shirts and hats. With that in mind, please submit additional entries against plain black backgrounds so I can see what they look light. The highlighted black background looks very nice, but obviously can't pull that off when using the logo.
I really love your designs and can't wait to see what you come up with next.
#185 - Another great entry. I really like this one and it might be my favorite if I had not seen the eagle perched on top of the logo. On the oval design, I think the bottom lettering needs to curve as well.
I love your designs. Keep playing with them, they're great!