Thanks for the info on communicating. I like the fact that #5 is much wider than tall. On the star trails... I will try and explain this the best I can. On the outer/longest trail... those trails will be longer than the next ring of trails... etc. I like the 4 levels of trails in #10, but I like the shorter height in #5. I would be curious to see what the fonts would look like if they were flipped... Star Trails in the Downtown font and vice versa. Thank you!
Hey Desiree... Could I see #10 with the font that "Downtown" is in used on "Star Trails" and the font that "Star Trails" is in used on "Downtown"? And I like the 4 rings of star trails in #10... but I like the height of the trails in #5 (not in a half circle like #10). I hope that makes sense.