#15: Like the mosaic effect of the stained glass. Don't like the twirly things at the top of the windows. Don't like the typeface (top or bottom). Don't like the white/blank lower halves. Might like the multicolor pattern in a circle, arch or other geometric shape . . . the 3 window concept doesn't work for me in this design.
#22: Like it overall. Not sure the font is a good match for the rest of the design though. The "people" on the sides is distracting - even though I get the concept. Can't wait to see the other ideas you have!
You're great . . . thanks. I like #33 alot but it's just too busy / too cluttered. There are too many things fighting for my attention: the stained glass people, the font, the company name repeated, the colors, the tagline in the center, two multicolored borders, etc. My eye doesn't know what to focus on.
#43 and #44 - I like the white/highlight in the border. And changing the colors from the bright brights to muted shades is okay. But I think the border colors need to match the colors of the "people" . . . either way. (Both brights or both muted).
Here is my latest feedback: 43, 44, 58: Don't do anything more with these. The pink (and other softer tones) isn't going to work for me. 42/49: are the ones I'm looking at. No requests for additional changes right now.