Color Preferences
Simple palette that looks good in monochrome black when needed. Blacks, grays, with maybe a splash of Theotokos blue (look it up) or deep green that still looks good in monochrome. Standard colors are preferred even with 2-color designs, to avoid custom color if printed.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
"St Nektarios Orthodox Church" should be prominent, with a cross worked in. (3-bar cross is a bonus.) No actual church icons, although you can suggest an outline etc of our patron saint (many images and photographs online). His biography is also available online.
Our parish is traditional, but we have lots of children and young families. Would like the image to appeal to all ages, including parents with children in the home.
Attached is one I like, but open to new ideas.
Our congregation is young, currently meeting in a converted historic home. Thus, logos that suggest a specific church building feature (domes, etc.) need special handling if that is incorporated because we don't yet know what we will build.
Would like to avoid designs that are too similar to organizations like Ancient Faith (Media, Radio), a popular Orthodox publisher. Internet image searches are helpful here.