Speak Your VisionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Speak Your Vision

Speak Your Vision has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 344 designs from 31 different designers from around the world.


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Hey there,

These are great! I prefer #83, as the picture is much easier to make out.

I find the font a little hard to read though, especially the word "vision."

But I love the colours - they are PERFECT.

And I also love the feeling of movement in the swoosh at the top and bottom.

is it a man or is it unisex?

My clients are mostly women, but there are some men. So it would be good if the figure could be slightly more feminine.

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback on my designs. This one has new type, more feminine figure.

(This comment references Entry #152)
14 years ago
Hey, I like the more feminine figure.

But now with the long tail of the Y, the design has become a little too cluttered for me. I like things simpler and more striking, so that the text is really easy to read. I preferred the way you had the simple line under "speak" In your first design, rather than the complicated "Y' now.

Can you come up with a font that is still funky but is easier to read? I really liked how funky your first font was, but it was a bit too hard too read. This latest font is lovely, but it's a bit too swirly to read.

But lovely drawing and great use of colour.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Very close to original font, but with some adjustments. I can keep toying with the letter style and search for another font, but I agree that the original font has a nice quality. Thanks again for feedback.

(This comment references Entry #175)
14 years ago
Hey there,

#175 is much better. A much simpler design.

The problem is, I like the font, but it's just so pale and hard to read. Is there any way to make it more readable - bolder or something? Or maybe try a different font?

Also, I preferred the colour of the jeans in your original design #83. (I always prefer blue!)

Nice work,

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
New, bolder font and bluer blue jeans.

(This comment references Entry #233)
14 years ago
Hey there #233 is great! If I decide to go with a more funky street edge look, I will choose this design.

I like you two new designs, but I think #235 evokes a much younger funkier kind of women than my clients will relate to. They are women entrepreneurs. Best to keep the image more mature and maybe a bit more generic.

Anyway, at the last minute, my marketing people have told me I need to emphasise the word "speak" more than the other two words! In fact, they want me to emphasise the word "your" the least! I'd like to try it out, to see if they are right...

Can you think of a way to do that?

I look forward to seeing your ideas.

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Hey there,

I'm going to rank you first for a day or so, to give you the chance to complete one last revision.

I was away yesterday, so I feel I didn't get to complete with you on your design. I am still very drawn to your #249, as I LOVE the font and the lines and the energy more than the otehr designs. But unfortunately, I can't use it because your woman is much too "street casual" for my brand.

I showed it to a friend and she had a great idea:

Can you re-draw the woman so that she is not wearing clothes. ie do her more as a line drawing or an outline. You can still give her colour and form, but then she won't look like she's wearing jeans and T-shirt and it will be a little more stylised.

And can you make her hair a little longer, so it's less funky and casual.

I want the woman to be in the exact same body posture of leaping as she is now, as I really love that.

You can look at the picture I've attached to the brief in "Contest Attachments", the picture called "Body Mastery", to get a sense of what I mean by a stylised figure without clothes.

I'm going to rank you first for a day or so, to give you the chance to make this revision. Let me know if you think you can do it, or if you have any questions.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the opportunity to work on the design a bit more. I will start on it first thing tomorrow. I would stay up tonight, but it's one of those rare Saturday nights when I actually have plans. I look forward to working on the drawing for you.

Thanks again,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hopefully these are moving in the direction you want to go. I understand now what you mean by "causal." Let me know if I can tweak these any further for you. I'll be happy to.

(This comment references Entry #317)
14 years ago
Hey, good progression. I love the way you've drawn the woman! Much better.

I don't like the solid coloured figure in #319, so you can leave that one now.

I prefer the image to have a subtle gradual gradient like #320 rather than having the two halves in separate colours like in #318 #137.

** Can you do a version of #318 where the colour progresses more gradually from top to bottom, in a more stylised way, instead of being split into a top and a bottom. I like those colours - they are nice and bright.

**I'd like to see the figure in #320 with the colours you've used in #318.

**I'd also like to see those two designs with a purple instead of the green, so that the colour scheme is aqua/purple/pink rather than aqua/green/pink.

I've been wanting to ask you do try purples in your design for a while now, but was waiting til the drawing of the figure was right. I much prefer a blue/purple colour scheme to a blue/green one. You can see the sort of purples I like in my Body Mastery image attached to the brief.

Well done!
Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I'm actually just able to check in on this now and will sit down to work on it this evening and tomorrow. I just don't want you to think I'm ignoring you. Happy to keep working on it for you.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Color options. Feel free to make more requests.

(This comment references Entry #321)
14 years ago
I just LOVE what you've done with the colours in the woman in #325 - it kind looks like her heart is glowing pink! Beautiful.

But I definitely like the RIGHT hand side of your design more than the left. At first I thought it was because the colours are stronger... But then I showed it to a designer friend of mine tonight and she helped me realise that it's because of the font.

The font in "Speak" is really casual with a sloppier feel, whereas the font in "your" and "Vision" is crisp and sharp.

I'd like you to rewrite "speak" using the same font as in the other two words. Keep "speak" the same large size it is now, so that it remains the featured word. You can do the same thing with the "K" you've done now, because that looks cool. And you might be able to find a way to make the "S" a strong feature letter, in a crisper, sharper way than it is now.

Once you've got the font right, I might get you to play with the colours in the word "speak" a little, but for now let's get the font right.

Well done! It's really starting to come alive now!

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I can keep adjusting. Let me know.


(This comment references Entry #326)
14 years ago
Hey there, you may not ahve seen my last comment, becuase I edited it half way through. So I'll write it again...

I definitely like the RIGHT hand side of your design more than the left. At first I thought it was because the colours are stronger... But then I showed it to a designer friend of mine tonight and she helped me realise that it's because of the font.

The font in "Speak" is really casual with a sloppier feel, whereas the font in "your" and "Vision" is crisp and sharp.

I'd like you to rewrite "speak" using the same font as in the other two words. Keep "speak" the same large size it is now, so that it remains the featured word. You can do the same thing with the "K" you've done now, because that looks cool. And you might be able to find a way to make the "S" a strong feature letter, in a crisper, sharper way than it is now.

Once you've got the font right, I might get you to play with the colours in the word "speak" a little, but for now let's get the font right.

Well done! It's really starting to come alive now!

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Hey there, you may not ahve seen my last comment, becuase I edited it half way through. So I'll write it again...

I definitely like the RIGHT hand side of your design more than the left. At first I thought it was because the colours are stronger... But then I showed it to a designer friend of mine tonight and she helped me realise that it's because of the font.

The font in "Speak" is really casual with a sloppier feel, whereas the font in "your" and "Vision" is crisp and sharp.

I'd like you to rewrite "speak" using the same font as in the other two words. Keep "speak" the same large size it is now, so that it remains the featured word. You can do the same thing with the "K" you've done now, because that looks cool. And you might be able to find a way to make the "S" a strong feature letter, in a crisper, sharper way than it is now.

Once you've got the font right, I might get you to play with the colours in the word "speak" a little, but for now let's get the font right.

Well done! It's really starting to come alive now!

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Hey Laura,

In #328 the "p"and the "e" are better now, but the "a" is still the old font, so it's throwing it off a bit. Can you make the "a" neater, so the tail doesn't curl up, so it's more like the rest of the letters? Or you could even try it in the round style of "a" that people use when they write by hand. (see the designs I've ranked 8 and 10) That might look neater.

One you have the "p.e.a." nice and strong, we need to finish off the "S"...

The "S" needs to be a a bit taller or more of a feature somehow... I really liked your original "S", it was just that the tail of it on the bottom left was a bit ragged. Is there a compromise between the two, so it's a bit more striking that in #328 but not quite as ragged as your original "S"?

Good work
Tahnee x
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm starting to fade for the evening, but I'll be happy to work with you more tomorrow, so let me know what you need. I'm a night owl, happily, but I think I've hit my limit for the night. Thanks for the detailed feedback.

(This comment references Entry #329)
14 years ago
Hey Laura, that's cool - I'm on the other side of the world, so when you're sleeping I'm awake and visa versa. I like waking up and seeing what you'e done!

#329 is a bit better, but the font on the left still doesn't completely match the font on the right. Is it actually the same font? I think it's the "a" that's distracting me - it's much wonkier than all the other letters in the logo. I'd definitely prefer a simple round "a" like the ones on designs I've ranked 8 and 10.

The "S" is better - it could maybe be even a little MORE stylised... but it's quite good.

In the next version, I'd like to see a bit of a colour gradient on the word SPEAK from left to right. You could try blue to purple or purple to blue, or light blue to dark blue - whatever you think looks best - you're BRILLIANT with colour. I think a bit of the old aqua in might bring the letters to life (although when the whole thing was aqua it was too light...)

Night night (it's just past midnight here)
Tahnee :-)

14 years ago
Hey Laura, the font looks great now, love the "a"!

The "S" is better, although I still find the very bottom left tip a bit ragged... Anything you can do about that?

Re the colours, I prefer #331and #330 because the woman's pink heart really stands out.

I wonder if it might look good to reverse the colours on the word "speak' in #331, so it goes from purple to blue. So "speak" and 'vision" will mirror each other in their colour gradient. Might make her pink heart really jump out...

And you could put a hint of the bright light aqua on the inner part of the K and the V, so that the design gets brighter and brighter as it moves towards the woman's heart...

Worth a try anyway!

This is really starting to look great. The font is MUCH better now.

Well done,
Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I took a bit of the point off of the S, and I can continue to adjust if for you if you like. Just let me know.

(This comment references Entry #335)
14 years ago
#332 and #333 are great! I can't decide which I like better... Will show a few people...

Which do you prefer?

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is #332 with the "S" adjusted like the others. I think I lean toward these, with the aqua leading off the design, but I also like the other one. My daughter (6 years old) saw me working and said, "Oh! Her heart is glowing!" I always like it when I have my daughter's approval. She lets me know when she doesn't like my work, too, so I know I can trust her.
Let me know if there is anything else you need.

(This comment references Entry #336)
14 years ago
Hi Laura, ooh one day to go!

Yes, I agree with your daughter - the glowing heart is my favourite part of the design! It's beautiful.

I like #334 #335 and #336. For some reason the tail of the "s" still bugs me in #336. It doesn't seem as neat or as clearly defined as the other two. Is it the same drawing? Maybe that's just because it faded to a lighter blue? It might be an optical illusion.

I do like it starting with the blue like in #336. My only concern is that the hot pink "k" distracts from the woman's beautiful pink heart a little. I wonder if you could make the K a little darker, OR maybe have the left half of the "K" still in the purple shade, so that only the right hand side of the "k" is in the hot pink. That might lead the eye nicely to the woman's heart...

Once you've done that, I'll ask my friends to vote on which colour version they like #334, #335 and #336. And then the design will be finished!

As the winning designer, I'd like you to submit 3 other versions, if possible, that I can use on the sub-pages of my website. You can do them exactly the same as this one, just change the first word. They are "Clarify Your Vision", "Write Your VIsion" and "Share Your VIsion." Would that be possible?

Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's one with a darker K, and I adjusted the S shape to exactly match the other two.
As far as doing other versions for the website, It's sort of against the Logotournament rules for me to discuss "extra" work while the contest is still active. It could be seen as trying to influence your decision by offering extra services. I hope you understand.
Once the contest is over, the winning designer can discuss whatever else you might be interested in.
Feel free to keep letting me know if you need more color options or adjustments.

(This comment references Entry #337)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
... And a bit darker K

(This comment references Entry #338)
14 years ago
Hi, I've had a good long look, and I like #334 and #335 the best. Can I see #335 with a hint of hot pink on the very right hand side of the "N" in ""VISION". I think that might really balance out the image...

If that works, I will pick the new #335 as the winner!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Pink on both ends to balance pink in center of image. Yes, I see the logic here.

(This comment references Entry #339)
14 years ago
Hi Laura,

I've shown it to some friends over the weekend. We like the colour scheme in #335 the best, so let's stick with that.

There are two things we need to change. (1) A few people have commented that the woman looks like she's wearing a short gymnastics outfit or bike shorts.... Can you make the blue colour go higher up her body to her belly button, so just her chest is pink. Or maybe you can do that on the right leg and leave the left leg as is. I think those two strategies will solve the bike shorts problem...

Also, my friends have told me that this logo is great for women, but it will put off my male clients. So I'm thinking it might be worthwhile trying it with a more androgynous figure - ie male/female. So maybe try a second version without the flowing hair and make it a bit more stylised and less busty. Let's just try this once to see how it looks. If it doesn't work, I'll still go with the leaping woman. After all, I am a woman...

But this is still my favourite design, so I'd like to get it perfect.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
The last one is an attempt at more androgyny.

(This comment references Entry #342)
14 years ago
Hi Laura, if I decide to stick with a female figure, #340 is PERFECT! Don't change a thing.

To see if the androgynous idea really works, can you do one last version without any hair. So it's just a stylised figure - head and body. Am curious to see if that will work better...

Thanks Tahnee
14 years ago
Well done Laura, you are the winner! #343 is great! All my male friends agree that it is much better without the hair. Now they'll come to me for public speaking coaching as well as women!

When you submit the design, can you also do three other versions exactly the same but with a different first word, that I can use with my three main sub-pages in my business and my website? They are:

(1) Clarify Your Vision
(2) Write Your Vision
(3) Share Your Vision

It's probably best if you email me directly, on tahneewoolf@gmail.com

Thanks so much and congrats!
Tahnee :-)
14 years ago
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