Still in my previous design I try to make font look bolder with thick red outline and the color of talking ballon changed to dark color. That make it strong appealing. Thanks
I really like the font in the bubble and would like to see the image of the person scaled down a couple of sizes...maybe just an outline of a figure or else the same figure with a solid black head. I don't like the black and white checked design.
I really like this-thank you. We have a meeting with the web designer tomorrow, so we'll announce the winner. Right now I believe it's tied for first. Thanks so much!
Hello! I really like the font in #65 and we'd like to see if you can play around with just the SPEAK! and take away the bubble and the person-but use that font in some different word designs. We would like to try some options with just using our name and not so many images. Thank you for working so hard. We're on the right track...
Hello, Just to make sure, I'm already done what you ask in your last comment for #65. Could I send all revision include optional alternative design base on only word SPEAK! with my font style?. But, where link I have to send? Thank you