Speaking CompanyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Speaking Company

Speaking Company has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 226 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
We provide professional training and coaching for companies, corporations and associations in the areas of leadership, management and other professional development skills. Some of our top clients are Duke Energy Corporation, Campbell Soup, Kimberly-Clark and Associated Builders and Contractors.
Color Preferences
We are currently redoing our entire company image-so exploring a new color scheme.


Order by
Entry Number






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1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next >


So far the numerical order is the rank order.
16 years ago
Right now these are ranked by our top picks. We've commented on each individual designer and asked to see different variations of the current designs.

We're happy with the ideas that you've all come up with a look forward to seeing some additional ideas over the next 2 days.

You are all very talented. Thanks for working hard and for helping us with coming up with the image of Speak! LLC!

16 years ago
extended the contest by 3 days. We are very happy with the entries but would still like to continue to see variations of the current designs and even new ideas.

Thank you!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
nice stuff zrox
16 years ago
Right now the first 3 entries are tied for first place. We will be meeting with our web designer tomorrow, but you all did a fantastic job. Thank you so much.
16 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Contest extended and the prize has been increased by $200.
16 years ago
When I think about "speak" and what our mission is, I have a vision of nurturing people...of taking a room full of people and letting them escape for a day so they can learn, grow and become a "better" version of themselves. Whether the training is how to be a better manager, how to resolve conflict, how to handle stress, how to sell, speak or write better....we want to help people achieve more. That feels very nurturing and yet energizing at the same time to me.
We want people to leave our training sessions and have the skills to feel and become "better" versions of who they are...we want to help people reach their higher potential.

When they look at our logo and enter our website, I want them to have the same feeling. I want them to leave our website feeling a little bit better than when they entered.

I'd like to see abstract, rather than concrete. I'd like to see "inspiring" rather than business professional.

I want the logo of SPEAK! to communicate the message of "rejeuvenate, inspire, motivate, energize, grow and become..." when people see it.

Two of the logos that I like are spas-www.parexsalonce.com. I also like www.redmountainspa.com. I know they are completely different industries, but I like what they communicate and I like the abstract nature of the logos.

Let's try switching color schemes-maybe try some green/blue combinations, red/orange or brown/blues.

I think the red/black is too harsh-TOO professional.

Thanks so much. This has been a process of discovering ...and thanks for helping us on that journey!

15 years ago
Now this contest is getting tough! There are some great ideas and revisions being submitted. Thank you for all of your hard work. There are several of them that could represent who Speak! LLC is and what we do.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
becareful not too close with star tv logo
15 years ago
Thank you for that feedback, ibot.
15 years ago
Right now the first 3 are tied for first place. There are ideas from each of these that we really connect with.

We still have one day to go and the decision is already a tough one.

We sincerely thank each of you for your ideas and for being a part of this contest!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
why are the colours blue and green?
they seem so dull for the kind of feel you want..
15 years ago
Thank you to each and every designer that submitted entries for our logo contest. So many of you have worked so hard and we are really happy with what we have to choose from. There are several that really capture the look and feel of what Speak! is all about.
We will be submitting the entries to our board for judging.
Thank you again. This has been a great experience.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
congrats charcoal! well done
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks romasuave! :)
15 years ago
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