Thanks for your direction in the main comments - I was unaware that I could leave private comments - sorry!
I LOVE that #31 is holding a key - "I am loving some of these with the feminine silhouette! I love the idea that they look like they're "shopping" (but for a house) - like #31 holding a key and #29."
Another version, on this one the key is enwrapped into the letter W. The key also features the letter "S" in the middle that stands for "smart & successful".
I've been ill, so I apologize for the lack of feedback, ranking, responses.
I think my biggest concern, though I love the femininity of the female figure, is her hair. I think it's a little too detailed and Disney princess, and I'm not sure it will translate well, especially if the logo has to be small.
#29 and #67 are the best contenders - I think if their hair was more like a thick ponytail or just a little less detailed curl they would appeal more. The hair in #68 is closer, but not quite it.
Thank you for your patience with a first-timer! I will make a decision by tomorrow.
Hi, Anna! I *really* like the new hair - makes a huge difference and makes her look a lot more modern. Now it's just a matter of picking one...
On #31 - is it possible to see her with the new hair, too? And perhaps make it a little more obvious that she's wearing a skirt? Right now she looks like she *might* be naked.
Question for you (and if I'm not supposed to ask you this in this forum, just let me know!). So #105, #106 and #109 are my top choices right now and I'm having a REALLY hard time picking a winner from these three.
Is it possible, once the contest is over, that you might sell me a second choice? I was thinking that perhaps I could use both #105 and #109 on the site, since they are so similar and might work to be interchangeable...
It's just a thought as I am trying to force myself to pick a winner.
Thanks for all your flexibility and amazing designs!