You did a great job working with the ideas we presented. Your silhouettes are very appropriate and exhibit a great range in ages and size. Entry
#49 is something we can try working with but a few suggestions for revisions: Can your silhouettes be made more in the likeness of your silhouettes in entry #12. The different shades of grey make the design look too busy. And maybe only two kids instead of three. Also, the font and colors need to be adjusted. There are too many colors involved for all the words. I think the colors and layout for the font used in entry
#23 is better, but maybe make the "small" & "tall" less fuzzy and a bit more defined or sketched. As for the depiction of Mt. Rainer, it definitely is close, but it still lacks the identifiable silhouette of the mountain's outline. I do get the sense that the subtle tooth image got lost in the design, but if there is a way to make that more prominent (perhaps with the silhouettes all being one shade of grey), that would be better. The foothills don't necessary need to be included as a layered look, but rather to improve the identification of Mt. Rainer. If you think you got something that works, we'd love to see it. If it just seems too improbable, removing the foothills would be permissible. Thanks.