Skateboard ExpressLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Skateboard Express

Skateboard Express has selected their winning logo design.

For $320 they received 112 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.




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Logo Designer
I've used a "graffiti" type font to show movement and excitement. This fits well as tagging has long been associated with skateboarding. The rest is self explanatory.

(This comment references Entry #36)
16 years ago
hi sofa - thanks for your entries, they're great. i know where you're going with the tagging/graffiti angle. i think that half of my customer base might not "get" it. Longboards are at least half of our sales, probably more and if I throw in the parents, the tagging thing could be a problem for me.

I wonder if you'd be able to do a version of #38 that had a regular skateboard in there as well, so that maybe there's a longboard on one side of the logo and a regular board - different colour maybe, sloping down the other side of the logo, signifying that we do regular skateboards & longboards. i don't know if that will stuff it up because it works now because it's clean and simple but it's an idea. or maybe there's two board together on the left or something.

another thought is a version of 38 that has slightly more colour into the "skateboard express" text. maybe a black outline with the orange/red fade that looks good in some of the other logos ? thanks !!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
No Problem I'm glad to do it. I'll work on a few variations of #38 and get them up asap. I'll even work on another version of #40 with a more traditional font.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Two Updated versions for you... Hope you enjoy them! Let me know your thoughts.
16 years ago
thanks mate, i really like what you've done with 54. 38 is a challenge - i guess the simplicity is what appealed to me in the first place, so the variation adds something but loses something as well. i'm going to post a link to the x-cart template, so that people can get an idea of the site that it's got to match up with. thanks again..
16 years ago
hi sofa. I like the "better boards. better prices." slogan in #38. Would you be able to replace the #54 with the slogan fron 38 ? thanks !
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go, #64 is the same as #54 but with your slogan change. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's a new layout on my original design. This should fit your website template a little better. Hope you like it.

(This comment references Entry #78)
16 years ago
thanks sofa - thanks great. i'm having trouble splitting my top two at the moment. i really like your entries..
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's my last entry for you. Updated typeface and ramp appearance. Hope you like it. Thanks again for your comments!

(This comment references Entry #97)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
New Design. Please Take A Look!

(This comment references Entry #101)
16 years ago
hi sofa - i really like the new one (101). I've put it third at the moment but I haven't ruled it out - I'm playing around with the top 4 at the moment and trying to work out which works best on my site.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Please Have a Look. I've added the web extension and changed the typeface of the tagline. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #102)
16 years ago
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