These look great, and I'm not sure that there is much to do until we get to the next round. I still like the proportions in #65 the best.
Would you try making #60, with the same size and proportion as #65, with the key rotated (along the z-axis?) so that the handle remains in the same place but the teeth of the key point up.
This looks great and your entry #82 is easily the cleanest, simplest design.
Could you try one experiment, and if it looks terrible - my fault. Can you try #104 with i) a small knot tied to the handle and ii) instead of the ribbon doubling back over the key near the teeth of the key, just tapering toward the word 'KEY'
Thanks for doing this, the initial still looks better, more clean and succint.
Based on initial conversations with our team, your current design is well-favored. Let's play around the edges a bit, but we might just end up at the same place.
Love to see the knot design (smaller knot is better, with only a small tail to the left).