I really like this and like the color used in #76,
Can we make #78, in the same colors as #76 and remove the middle 'wrap segment' along the key. Would it be possible to make the ribbon more S-like without compromising the idea that it's a ribbon?
Hello, thanks so much for the feedbacks.. when you say wrap segment, do you mean we fully untangle the ribbon from the key? hoping for your response.. thank you!
No, no need to untangle - but where the key wraps around, there are three segments (one tail going up, middle segment, and one tail going down). What does the same image look like with that middle segment removed?
For #86, can we rotate the ribbon and key clock-wise so that the portions of the ribbon are parallel with the lines above and below the text? Note, not at the same heights just parallel, literally just rotate the existing image in its existing proportions.
Can we make the ribbon slightly less bold / thick and slightly more 'elegant'?
#93 looks great, can you pull the angle of the top part of the ribbon down slightly to make it more like an S? Can you alter the angle of the key slightly so that after moving the top of the S down it fits appropriately?
I think what I had in mind was... keep everything the same but... i) Alter the angle of the top segment of the S point to 3'o clock on a circle, or 90 degrees. ii) Alter the angle of the key handle to point to 2:15 or so on a clock face, or about 67.5 degrees.
Give the logo appropriate space from the text so that both are legible and only minimally reduce the lines around the text box. #93 is still the best.
I think if you were to compromise between #116 and #93, that would be perfect.
Can we use the same segment that we used in #93 with tiny upward curl at the end of the ribbon? And instead of going to 90 degrees / 3o'clock for the top segment, can we go to say 2:30p?
The same for the key so that it's a natural fit in the space, a compromise between #93 and #116?