Hi Julian, I like this very much and the fact it works in monochrome. I would be interested in seeing the logo slightly closer to the lettering. Really good feel to this logo, thank-you for working on this. Best wishes Caroline
#60 Interesting to see it at the side certainly more integrated into design however liked original logo mark with grey/green tonal change "leaves"...marketing also a little too small. Any ideas very welcome and thank-you for your response
#96 Love this design, which we feel is classic and timeless. I don't like the wetfloor though (personal quirk of mine!). Seems to be a yellow halo around "fern" might just be my mac. could you remove and lower logo accordingly. Thank-you
#128 really interesting design very different interpretation. Only comment would be to spread Marketing to match width of top line. And on both designs this and #96 want to ensure that marketing weighting is increased (not to match silver fern as the difference looks interesting but just to ensure it is easily read. Thank-you
Hello, I love your designs and it will be a very hard choice. My only remaining comment would be regarding the depth of colour, the logo overall is quite pale and whilst I love the graduating tone changes to fade out overall the logo is quite pale in tone. Would it be possible to graduate back from and to and slightly darker start and end point? Just a thought...thank-you so much Caroline