Silicon Valley LinkLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Silicon Valley Link

Silicon Valley Link has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 185 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.
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#47 has a lot of potential. I do prefer the Silicon Valley Link to be horizontal.

Several ideas this gives me:

Can you show the cool picture more as a compass, where the north, south, east, west points are slights larger that the others? I think this would be cool!

Can you try the written part of the logo not just horizontal, but in a multi color, and also single color but also horizontal, bolder and a deeper saturation, like the purple or red on the picture (they seem much more saturated)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Thank You For Feedback and Ranked
New Entries
#60 #61 #62

Please Feel free

11 years ago
Thanks for running with the ideas!!

#63 I think is too stylized, too much a fancy compass, but I see now on the others, making the N, S, E and W points bigger may not be so good. Can you think of something that accentuates those points but does not look so out of balance? I think it might be that the bigger points make the inner circle look too big, do you see that? Also, maybe a less fancy compass, on its own and/OR incorporated into the other design?
11 years ago
Thanks for listening so well to my feedback. Do you think the new compass ones feel too heavy?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
yes i think so, Here it is New Entry #98
i make it looks more simply...

11 years ago
Can you show #135 and #137 with deeper saturation colors? Deeper versions of the ones there?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
deeper versions colors Entry #167 , Entry #168
11 years ago
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