Shutters, Blinds & MoreLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Shutters, Blinds & More

Shutters, Blinds & More has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 86 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


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Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Logo Designer
Here you go a scketch based on your brief where you can ask for any changes or make any suggestions.
Kind regards,


(This comment references Entry #3)
14 years ago
Thank you Claudia --- I see you added everything -- I mean all the elements mentioned in our write up... I think you could definitly make it less busy and colorful... The slogan "you'll love our point of view" is too big. I think your work is fresh and "happy" -- please make it a bit more "serious" if you can -- but I like your style.. keep trying if you dont mind... thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello and thank you very much for your feedback. here you go some other possibilites for the color combinations and layouts. Know me at your service till the end of your contest.
If we don't speak sooner, wish you a great weekend!
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #4)
14 years ago
#6 is headed toward the "more serious" look we were imagining. Feel funny about the colors -- they're probably the current thing - but could you try some other combination? Thanks - maybe move the slogan right and lose one of the squares -- the drapery square looks like a church steeple in reverse... not sure what can be done to remedy that.

We are also installers of arched shutters if that will help the graphic search
34 has it's own feminine style going -- which we like. It's less serious, less cold and might appeal to more women -- please don't stop "tweaking" that logo as well ----Thanks
14 years ago
not 34 ---- I meant entry #4
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure :-) If I can't make it sooner (need to finish an urgent task now), I'll submit monday for sure.
Have a great weekend,

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! Here you go as promised some other entries; I've adressed the issues you've spoken and corrected them and I'm also uploading some other color combinationsw; feel free to recommend any other tones you'd like to see (if you can provide rgb or cmyk values that would be awsome :-)
KIndest regards,


(This comment references Entry #13)
14 years ago
I'm liking #13 and #15.
Like the arched shutter and what you did to the drape image.
sticking with the "less is more" could I see the logo with the arched shutter on the left - larger and by itself and th drape way over to the right (next to the word "More")
don't italicize "you'll love our point of view"
add an exclamation mark after More(!)
Would like to see the whole logo in burgandy, maroon or the dark blue you just used... decided I dont like the green or sky blue.... Thanks -- loving your work!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks :-) It's beeing a pleasure to work on your contest too.
Here you go 3 color options from your last feedback.
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #21)
14 years ago
re: entry #21 - #23:
I was wrong. Looks out of balance.
drop the drape on the end completely.
make the shutter larger and make level to shutters, blinds & More - sit it down on the bottom line
If you can == make it a 2 panel shutter - with the one seam going up the middle instead of the two you currently have --- and make the louvers and frame wider.
keep to navy blue for now.

I'm also liking #15 again --- its growing on me. --- very bright and happy.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
hi! No problem; this is the usual process till the best logo is achieved :-)
Plz check now.
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #26)
14 years ago
in #26 take off the bold in More!, make larger louvers in the shutter with larger white gaps in between each louver. Take the exclamation mark off More(!) and place one at the end of the slogan after view(!)

ALso -- new angle here --- While #26 appears classic and timeless -- it's missing some womanly - frilly elements. Our primary customers are female.... keeping that in mind --- could I see the "S" in shutters and maybe the "B" in blinds and/or the "M" in More in a fancy script --- while leaving the other fonts alone? Hope thats not a train wreck -- ha
Thank you
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello and sorry for the late reply since I went out to dinner for a family anniversary :-)
Here you go some font combinations and I'll check in the morning for your new comments.
Have a nice evening and regards,


(This comment references Entry #28)
14 years ago
Claudia -- happy family anniversary!!
bravo on entry #28..well done... me and the guys like it. Here's the thing though...
We have been out-voted by the females -- They like your original entry #3. Based on that -- here are some changes for you...

Regarding #3...
Make slogan same size as in entry#15 - move to right - add exclamation mark.
Place the new arched shutter you made and place it top left.
Move the pull down solid shade to top right - make larger scallops on bottom
place the original drapes graphic bottom left under the arched shutter. Maybe add a curtain rod cutting through the top OR add tie-backs with tassels hanging down -- use your own judgement there.
On bottom right add horizontal louvers similar to the other entries where it's just thick horizontal lines
Use one color - but light and dark --- light blue, dark blue / light maroon, dark maroon.
Do one with the "crosshair" lines and one without.
Also try one using #28 font style in lower case -- even if you have to squeeze them in...
I've had a good many people speak into this -- thanks

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks :-) You're very kind-it was my nephew's 11th anniversary-mine will be next saturday if God allows ;-)
Here you go the evolutions as you've requested; as for the small type version, the used trajan typefont only has capitals so i'm using clssical garamond, very sober and elegant too.
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #33)
14 years ago
Wen my wife looked over my shoulder at #33 she said..."Oh Yes".
I like it as well. Here are some "tweaks".

1. enlarge slogan up to the "e" in Shutt(e)r.
2. The bottom right graphic -- could you make it just larger open horizontal slats as in entry #2 or #24... don't care for the frame around it.
3. Let us see one logo with the crosshairs and one without (+---- ) For example #15 has no crosshairs.
4. Would also like to see the logo in a combination of black and tan orlight brown... logo black, slogan tan, light blue graphics make tan, dark blue graphics make black.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! here you go for your both consideration the layout and color options as you've requested :-)
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #36)
14 years ago
Claudia -- #39 --- you need one more slat for the bottom right blind to make it even...thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry! Should have missed it when I've copied the elements to export as an image :-(
here you go corrected; have a nice eveneing and regards,


(This comment references Entry #46)
14 years ago
On entry #46 --- bottom right graphic.... could you please fill in the first gap between the top first two slats so it appears as a headrail.. and there seems to be a tightening of space as you go towards the bottom of the blind - can you make them a little more evenly spaced? Thanks.... (this is all on the bottom right graphic)

Almost there!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello! Plz check if it's this you've requested; if not just let me know (even if anything is needed even after the contest is finished, it's possible for the first ranked to submit during the judging period. I'm posting a bit bigger the layout for you to check the spaces; since you're seeing this very small it could be vizualization issues.
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #54)
14 years ago
Thank you -- after viewing the bottom right graphic with the changes I asked you to make - I think I do not want the headrail -- it seems too stark.... just go back to evenly spaced lines for me.
Thanks Claudia
14 years ago
Logo Designer
To be honest I also prefer it this way ;-)
Kindest regards,


(This comment references Entry #67)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello and thank you very much for your trust in my work :-) Sorry for the delay but I was sleeping-I've already uploaded final files-plz be so kind to check them. If anything else is still needed just leave a comment here or mail me at:
Best of luck to you, your wife and your business,

Claudia Mesquita
14 years ago
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