38 and 39 are both moving in the right direction. The silhouette of the person in 38 looks nice, I'm not keen on the heart shape or the leaf shape at the top. 39 has a look of "Inuit Art" that I'm not keen on. The colors plus a red or rusty red or orange would be nice. to see. Thanks for your entrants.
Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. Here is an updated version (#50) and a new proposal for your consideration (#51).
Many of your designs look too much like couples counselling and I do more than couples counselling, so it doesn't work. 38 is intriguing, but it can't look like an apple, pear or other fruit, so remove the green at the top, possibly do a green outline as you did in 37.. Soften the top indent so it doesn't resemble a heart. The colors are beautiful and I've had lots of comments on this. Hopefully we can make something work.
My apologies for the delayed response. I've just noticed for your previous comment. Here is the version as you requested (#149). Please don't be hesitate to let me know if you have any request to revise the design.
Look at your entry 38 and make the green border thicker like it is in 38. I'd also like to see the indent at the top (that makes it look like a heart) made so it doesn't look like a heart.
Thanks for the updates. I'm not sure what to suggest to improve the design. The person figure in 150, 151 and 152 looks trapped, whereas 37 and 38 look happy. I'm not sure what to suggest, but both 37 and 38 have a lot going for them. The green border in 37 is nice The silhouette figure in 38 is nice. The gold color is nice. I'd love it if you could continue using your talents to see what would help.
I can't use a heart because a colleague has a heart and I can't have something that resembles fruit because I live in an orchard town and people might mistake think I sell fruit! I'm off to bed Thanks for working so hard.
Thanks again for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
Here, I just want to let you know about the main idea in #37 & #38. I'm trying to convey about mental health aspect with a simple, warm, and a modern shape which is represented by a heart inside an apple line (#37). Then as another option, I was trying to make it more simple and trying to emphasize on the personalized clinical counselling aspect (as you can see on entry #38) by removing the green apple line and put a human figure on the heart shape and still placing the leaf on the top to give the impression of an apple. I hope this short information would helps.
And here is a new option for your consideration (#154 & #155). Which is representing an expression of a human figure in happiness (in orange color) reborn for being resolved (in green).
Thanks for your explanations. Your images represent the main ideas you wanted to present in both designs. 37 and 38 are my favorites. They're simple and warm conveying the personalized clinical counseling aspect. I am not artistic and know what I like when I see it, but find it difficult to visualize an image without actually seeing it. Please try 3 additional designs based on the shape, color and human figure in the shape as in image 154. 1st design - without the green border and the green apple leaf on top. 2nd design - without the green border and no apple leaf 3rd design - without the green border and something other than an apple leaf that you think would like nice. Your submitted some creative designs that are almost there, Thanks for your hard work.
I've asked another designer to make some changes and I'm going to rank that designer 1 so they can submit some ideas. It's between you two. Both of your designs are close. I'll come back to you in 10 hours as that is when you seem to work.
Thank you for being so helpful and patient with me. Design 38 is the winner, but I'd like you to make a few changes and then I'll post the winner. - I'd like two copies. One with the logo to the left of the text. The other with the logo the way 38 is now. - Change the font to an upper case at the beginning of each word and lower case for the remaining letters i.e. "Shelley Price Draper" - Replace "Building Better Lives" with "Helping Life Be Better" and have it start just after the "y" (in Shelley) and end just before the "p" (in Draper) or go to the end of the name (whichever you think looks better). - Chantoge the font color dark brown for "Shelley Price Draper"
This design really emanates who I am and your comment sent Jan 19th at 4:21am helped me see that. Thanks again... I appreciate your hard work and good design
Thanks again for your feedback. I've just logging in and I'm working on the revision right now. I'll sibmit the versions as you requested as fast as I can. Thanks for your patience.