I like both designs (#59 & #60) can you play with the guy in the center and maybe create a different face? It's almost perfect... Love the concept & it's so close to what I'm looking for.
Miamiman, can you take design #59 and make the font and shading the same on Comics below, but keep the size the same...I like how Shamrocks stands out & is larger, but think it might look better w/the same font & shading.
Also, would love to see if you have any other ideas on the character in the middle...but we keep coming back to this overall look - Love it!
Miamiman, can you show #60 with the comics font size slightly smaller? We definitely like how the font type is the same for Shamrocks & Comics...just would like to see it smaller on the bottom like some of your other designs.
Again - AWESOME Stuff - Love it.
My wife and I are still debating over the exaggerated jaw or the one in #89.
One last request...can you take #59 and change the font type for Comics to the same as the Shamrocks. Keep the size & shading how you have it, but just match the font type to the Shamrocks on top.