Shaka YogaLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Shaka Yoga Shaka Yoga has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 160 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by visualbay Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 7th #69 Withdrawn New #70 Discussion Shaka Yoga Client #70 Thanks for your design! I was wondering if you might have time to submit some more color options for the words SHAKA YOGA and HOT POWER VINYASA. I think the blue is very pretty, but wonder what one of the warmer more colors might look like.Thanks so much!Bethany 13 years ago visualbay Logo Designer now the contest is in Top 5 mode, i can not submit more design! ranking is 12!...just Top 5 can sumbit their works!Thx anywayvisualbay 13 years ago