Thanks for entries #61 and #62 - it's a refreshing concept which is visually appealing.
However: (a) to me it doesn't communicate the idea of listening to or preaching a sermon. I didn't 'get' the audio button idea, sorry. There are some ideas about how this might be represented on the main comments for the contest. (b) It is also slightly muted and flat. I'm looking for something a bit more Web 2.0ish. Colour wise, I think that if the blue is to be used it needs something brighter with it. Sermons can be boring - but sermon browser musn't be!
#63 is definitely much better - you've captured the look I'm after very well, although perhaps there is just a tiny bit too much sheen. However, it still doesn't communicate the idea of listening to or preaching a sermon. If it wasn't for the words, I wouldn't know what the icon represented. If you look at the entries I'm currently ranking highly, they get this point across. I have written some comments on the main page with some suggestions, but you're obviously free to use your own imagination, too.
#69 is better still. It's not yet quite good enough to get into my top three. I'm afraid I'm not quite sure why, I simply prefer the others. I do prefer longer logos rather than square ones, and yours is very square. But more than that, I think perhaps the cross is over-prominent, at the expense of the paper, which presumably represents the sermon/bible.
#86 is great - if you can make the page look even more like a Bible, that could perhaps be a winner. I've certainly shortlisted #86 as one of my favourites so far. I like the simplicity of the page, though, so please keep the 'bible' fairly simple.