I suspect we were all using that font so it would harmonize, but not match (exactly) with the font in the Cobroke Nation logo. But here's two more stylized Roman versions. The purple shield is the correct shape for a Roman shield - which may or may not read as a shield to a person more familiar with a mediaeval shield.
maybe a crazy thought.. with perhaps #30 can you turn down the corner to make it look like a piece of paper? or below put a piece of paper (box with horizontal lines??)
#37 can you make the black shiney? I was thinking of a folded paper more then a peeling paper ;-) My thought was to just make it gold with no fill instead of the white.. does that make sense??
1st head shouldn't have a shadow over the corner of the page 2nd can you make that a sharp fold instead of a peel? curious to see what that looks like 3rd I like the black and purple versions both of them. I like how #30 is so vertical..