font is much better, icon is interesting but too intense IMO, small dot of orange you had before was better. also please have all elements in one horizontal line like other entries.
thanks for these 2 new variations, and wings theme. i think your first attempt however, #67, is stronger and works better at a smaller (web) size because the white line is thicker and orange dot is bigger. i think in this case simpler is better.
hi bluejet, looked again at your portfolio and am really impressed, just not really liking the graphic mark for #118, it looks sorta parrot like, and head bowed down seems scared or at least not positive.
from your portfolio i really liked the submissions 'Marin Services for Women' and 'walkonwater', esp. the 3 colour graphic mark of the latter. bring some of that to this contest!
i like the general shape, it's great! and vertical line before start of strapline is nice too. however graphic object is too complicated/detailed for small sizes, can you do a simpler version that would still look good if entire graphic was web size (220 px wide)
do you think changing the direction of the graphic mark would give a more positive effect? ie upward reaching, etc. here's a grab: - would like to hear your thoughts - both look good to me.
Hi Demian, Here the graphic flipped, I like them both, (splitting hairs now) They both work differently, in different ways and both effective and interesting. I'll let you decide which appeals to you the most, this is your baby.