SchlimazelLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Schlimazel
Schlimazel has selected their winning logo design.
For $375 they received 69 designs
from 9 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Drinking game using cards that are standard deck of playing card size. The target audience is people aged 21-40 who like to have a fun ice breaker game to play at a party. There are special cards in the deck for a Troll, Zombie, Knight, and Zombie, so if characters like those could be included that would be one possible idea. They are not required though.
Color Preferences
I am open to a multi-colored design that maybe has people or caricatures holding a beer celebrating a fun drinking game. It can be cartoon like. I just want it to be jovial, fun, smiling, welcoming.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I think the best logo would probably say Schlimazel through the middle of the graphic and have the merry party goers surrounding it with smiles, laughs, beer mugs, and just general merriment.
Style Inspiration