...option with fireworks to emphasise the fun, party element of the logo.
Placed, so it doesn't interfere with other elements.
Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
I'll try to think of something.
Just don't want to overcrowd the logo, as with too many elements, everything becomes barely visible.
Kind regards,
And another option with the colored background.
Please do not rank entries #62 and #63 as they are not logo, but presentation of how this logo might look on a back of the card.
Rules of the site say that we are not supposed to present logos on a coloured background, unless there is a specific request from Contest Holder (I would say this is that case) where they want to see if logo would fit their needs.
Let me know if you have nay suggestions.
Kind regards,
Here is one proposal how back of the card could look like (just reversed as the format of Logo Tournament site is just for logos presentation) with the idea you suggested.
Let me know what you think.
This might be the winner. You've done tremendous work here. Since this would be on the back of every playing card we'd have to decide if the background color would be white or something else. I just used MS Paint to do a mockup. Do you have any colors you think would go well for a party like atmosphere?
I personally like yours best but they seem to be drawn to the game show glitzy glamour brightness of the current 2nd and 3rd place options. Not sure if you see some way to incorporate that essence into this current image or not?
Once you finalize the contest you can contact the winning designer privately (you will have the winning designer's email address - that will be in the Contract you both sign) and from there you can continue to communicate.
During the contest designers are not allowed to make any pre arrangements, as that might be interpreted as influencing the Contest Holder's decision.
I hope this was helpful :)
In other words - after the contes if finished, Client and designer are allowed to privately develop any future projects.
Yes, this looks like a much better pirate! Since these characters are also on the special cards I'm wondering how I would have you draw the characters for each separate card. I doubt LogoTournament allows that to happen outside of its realm right?
Pirate sighting! Can we make the pirate a little more like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean? The yellow sun background is in an interesting idea but I think it works better without it. I like the spilled shots on the logo. Clever addition!
Thank you for the feedback.
Here is option with the pirate and font adjustments.
Let me know if you prefer this font or the previous one and if the colors are better.
Sorry for all the comments, the females on the team would like to see brighter colors and if possible a troll, zombie, knight, and pirate at the table. I think your zombie and left troll are perfect.
The only other thing I could add would be replacing one of the trolls with a knight. The deck of cards has several "7" cards which are all special cards. We don't have all the 7 cards finalized but we definitely have finalized on a troll, zombie, knight, and pirate. I think 3 characters in the picture is a good number but if 4 works I am open to it.
Oh this is your best so far! This is now tied with another design that doesn't have characters but rather is just fun and bright colored. You'll see it when blind phase ends. If we can morph the two it might be the solution.
Yes, this is a step in the right direction for sure. Your images are similar to the reference photos so you are on the right track. The feedback from our team is the green color is good for the trolls but not for the overall image. If you can put a happy knight or a happy zombie in the photo it might really turn some heads on our team. And then the only other thing would be to add happy/festive colors to the name and maybe image if possible.
Thanks for the work. I should have mentioned that the troll, zombie, knight, etc are all meant to be fun, happy, cartoonish characters. This is just a fun drinking game, not a serious sci-fi card game. So it'd be better if they are joyful and laughing if you could do that :)
Here is my first proposal.
let me know if you have any suggestions.
Knight could be added to this merry company, so if you want to see that option as well, just let me know.
Comment Activity
Thank you!
Placed, so it doesn't interfere with other elements.
Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
Kind regards,
I'll try to think of something.
Just don't want to overcrowd the logo, as with too many elements, everything becomes barely visible.
Kind regards,
Please do not rank entries #62 and #63 as they are not logo, but presentation of how this logo might look on a back of the card.
Rules of the site say that we are not supposed to present logos on a coloured background, unless there is a specific request from Contest Holder (I would say this is that case) where they want to see if logo would fit their needs.
Let me know if you have nay suggestions.
Kind regards,
Let me know what you think.
I'll try out few options and give you my proposal.
Kind regards,
I adjusted the style of the illustration as well to correspond this glossy style.
Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
I'll upload the changes soon.
During the contest designers are not allowed to make any pre arrangements, as that might be interpreted as influencing the Contest Holder's decision.
I hope this was helpful :)
In other words - after the contes if finished, Client and designer are allowed to privately develop any future projects.
Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
Kind regards,
do you want one in the armour or the one like on the card decks?
Here is option with the pirate and font adjustments.
Let me know if you prefer this font or the previous one and if the colors are better.
Kind regards,
Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
Let me know.
Kind regards,
I'll adjust :)
Thanks for the comment.
Here is my first proposal.
let me know if you have any suggestions.
Knight could be added to this merry company, so if you want to see that option as well, just let me know.
Kind regards,